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You had your hair tied in a bun as you wore a thicker layered kimono as it was cold outside, you held the laundry basket and stared at the clothes that were inside of it
"If they freeze I'm blaming it on noya" you grinned

"Y/n!" You heard a voice calling you out and you turned your heads towards the source
There you saw the familiar blonde with green eyes running towards you
"Mei?" You muttered

Once she got to you she placed her hands on her knees to catch her breath "what are you doing here?" You asked her, not even greeting her

She looked like a mess, her hair was wild, she had dark circles under her eyes and her lips were dry "I'm-"

"I'm... pregnant" your face turned blank "and? Why should I care?"
She looked at you, worry filling her eyes to the brim "I'm pregnant with hatake's child!" She yelled and your eyes widened "hatake? Are you sure?"

She nodded her head "yes! I haven't gotten with any other men after him!" She admitted, placing a hand over her chest. You chuckled "that's surprising isn't it?" She didn't answer but instead she dropped to her knees, pressing her forehead against the cold stone in front of the uchiha's estates gates

"Please! Please, please... if not me, help my child" you stopped smiling and your face fell stoic "and what will I get from that?" You asked her and her eyes widened, she didn't think of that. She thought that merely from begging you would help her

You sighed and looked away "even if I wanted to help you, I'm not sure I could. I don't think Madara-sama would accept you or your child in his territory, your in danger right now for just being in it without permission or by noticing him about your presence first"

You heard sobbing and you looked at your sister again
"Mei, look at me" you sighed, she did as you asked and took the chance to properly look at you

Usually you always had this angered look on your face or maybe annoyance but now your face held no emotion, and if she really looked hard she saw how you just felt calm.

She looked at your h/c which was tied into a bun with the help of an expensive looking ornament, your kimono was one of purple flowers patterns while the kimono itself was black. The uchiha clan's print was on the back

Your face seemed to look better than ever, your under eye, ears, nose and cheeks were slightly red from the cold and your lips looked rosy and plump. Your e/c hues had this sign that captivated your sister

But just to put it simply, you genuinely looked beautiful right now. What had changed?

"Do you remember how you almost fainted by just the presence of aki-san?"
She nodded "when I said you were in danger here I wasn't talking about Madara going on about and killing you, I mean it in a way where if he were to set foot outside the estate you would probably pass out on the spot"

You rubbed the back of your neck "and in truth, even a seven year old little girl was able to live with him but knowing how you're weak you won't be able to handle it" you looked at her in a way that was almost as if you were degrading her

"And even then, if we were to accept your child and let them live here it's gonna probably have a bad childhood"

You sighed "the uchiha clan is really nice and welcoming, but the okkotsu clan had already ruined their reputation with the uchiha because of whe miya cancelled the marriage between her and Madara-sama, earning the disrespect of the uchiha clan"

You looked at your hand and balled it into a fist "i am an okkotsu, that's true but there was a way for me to prove myself here and even then I am on good terms with their clan leader"

You looked at Mei, she had tears in her eyes "you have no way of staying here or proving yourself. What I can do for you is give you some money to get yourself and apartment and food until you find a way to earn enough money"

Mei crawled to you and wrapped her arms around your leg "thank you... thank you so much y/n!"

"I'm sorry... for everything I've done to you, I'm so sorry! Please, please accept this apology" she begged

You sweatdropped "I forgive you" you simply stated with no hesitation whatsoever
Mei looked at you with glossy eyes "really?"
"You don't deserve it tho" it was as if a boulder had fallen onto mei's head
"But I'm forgiving you because I have found my peace already, and when problematic people come back into my life I cannot expect them to change anymore. So I accept, forgive and move on"

"I found peace within a location and people and now I'm finding it within myself" you smile gently at her "each time there was good moments in my life it was followed by years of pain and grieving but I realized that those good moments, I can create those myself as long as I work on me as a person"

You looked into the distance "you can find good moments with other people and that I appreciate from the bottom of my heart, I treasure those moments but if I want to genuinely enjoy my life then I need to appreciate every moment of it, wether it be bad,good, by myself or with others"

"And to get over those bad moments, I think of the good things I have in life, the ones I gave to myself, the ones that the lord above gave me and the ones that the people around me gave me" you turned to her

"And I'm sure even you can find that peace, you and your child. And finding that doesn't mean you have to be on good terms with hatake, it just means that if you can't do anything about it you have to accept that fact and move on" you gave her a kind hearted smile

Mei stared at you in awe, she would've thought you yelled at her or just be pissed off or mad but you were a changed woman, and it showed. You changed for the better and you managed to find a way to appreciate your life even though the good moments has just started now.

"Thank you, y/n"

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