˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗nine˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

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fast forward 6 months , it is now may!

You sighed, getting ready for work as a barista. It wasn't your ideal job but it was something, and it at least made you money. "Y/N! Come get breakfast before you leave. It's on the table." You heard your aunt yell up at you, leaving out the door for work. You do your hair and makeup then make your way downstairs to see your uncle. "You look beautiful, Y/N. Have a good day at work." You smile and nod, grabbing breakfast and heading out the door.

You walk your way towards Yuji's house to get a ride and go to work with him. You knock on his door, his mother answered. She looked tired, exhausted even. "Hey, Y/N. Yuji's almost done. You can come in if you want." You nod, "Okay, thank you." You take a step inside and sit on the couch. 5 minutes later, he's still not done. You sigh, walking up to his room. "Yuji?" You continued to search for him, having no luck. You get to his door and knock. "Shit, sorry Y/N! I'll be done in a second." You groan, heading to the bathroom to pass on the time, you look in the mirror. Examining your features and finding new pimples that you didn't even know existed. You go to pop one and as you do, you hear a voice. "Y/N?" You pop the pimple and exclaim, "Fuck! Who is it?" You wash your hands and turn around.

It was Choso..... Without a shirt on. You scowl at him and try to shut the door. "It's me. Can you not shut the door on me? Especially when I'm trying to go take a shower. And, what's that shitty look for?" You continue the 'shitty look' at him. "You know exactly what it's for, Choso." "Oh, your still mad over that, Y/N? Oh, poor you." He scoffs at you, shoving you aside. You start to raise your voice at him, "Okay, well let's see Choso. You kiss a girl at a party, and you said sorry for it which was believable at first. Oh, and then you completely lose your shit on me when I see you kissing ANOTHER girl in the halls. And, while my closest family had all died you couldn't bat a fucking eye." You realize your voice had grown louder and louder as you went on over all the shitty things he had done to you.

He laughs and starts to grin, "Wow, I really do get you that fired up over nothing?" He grabs your chin, you slap him as you slam the door on him as you leave. Yuji walks out of his room, "Damn, Y/N! You went off." You laugh, "Yeah, I guess." Yuji was now a lot taller than you. If you thought he was taller before, look at him now. He walks you to his car and you both go to the coffee shop. Fortunately, you both got jobs there so neither of you would be alone. You prepare for the day and start serving customers.

You and Yuji's shifts end and you head out for the day, going to meet up with Nobara and Megumi at Chipotle. You see the two of them and run up to hug both of them. "Hey, Y/N. How's life been treating you?" "It's been ok, Megumi. Thank you for asking." He nods, Nobara then drags you to a table and makes Yuji pay for your food. You both smile at Yuji and he rolls his eyes. You both giggle and talk about your lives. "Jesus, Y/N. You look exhausted!" Your face turns dull, "I know, Nobara. I've gotten no sleep over the past 6 months. She frowns and gives you a hug. "Sorry this year has been a bitch to you, Y/N." You sigh, "It's ok, Nobara. None of it has been your fault." You smile, and Yuji brings over your food.

"This burrito bowl is fucking disgusting." Megumi pretends to puke, you all start to laugh at him. "We told you, Megumi. Get the burrito, it's so much better." He rolls his eyes and you all finish your food. You all get in Yuji's car, but you're confused. "Aren't you getting in your car?" They shake their heads, "We walked." You nod, buckling your seatbelt. You dreaded tomorrow. It was your birthday and you knew they were planning to do something big for it. You sighed and closed your eyes. Before you knew it, you were at Yuji's house. You had fallen asleep for the trip home, but nobody really cared. They knew you were exhausted, you yourself knew it too. You get out of the car and rush into his house, immediately jumping onto his couch.

You all had the night planned out for your 'birthday eve'. Yuji's mom was out with her friends for the night doing whatever. You all were going to watch movies and eat snacks and fast food. Everyone had eventually gotten into the house, and you were all deciding what to do next. You all sit in silence for a minute, and Yuji breaks the silence. "Maybe, we should invite Gojo , Geto and Shoko for a mini party!" You think for a moment, and eventually agree with the others. Yuji calls Gojo who informs Geto, who informs Shoko. They all agree to come and they bring alcohol. They walk into the house and you give hugs to each of them.

After they all get settled in, you all decide to play UNO! You all sit in a circle on the floor, ready to play. Just then, you all hear a voice asking to join. It was Choso, once again. You sigh at the fact that he wanted to join. Everyone hesitates before speaking, looking at you for approval. "Yea, I guess he can join." Choso walks to you all and sits next to Gojo and Yuji, right across from you. Shoko gives you a half-hug. She whispers into your ear, "It'll be okay. It's only for a bit, y'know?" You nod, getting on with the game. You all play a few rounds, and Shoko wins every. single. one. The group decides to play something else, and you and Shoko step outside for a bit.

She lights a cigarette, and she hands you one. "Oh, no thanks." She smiles and sits down with you on the steps. "How's life, Y/N? Be honest with me." You shrug, "It could be better, I guess. I've been doing better these past months." She nods, "That's nice, Y/N. I know this year has been hectic and shitty for you." Once she finishes smoking, you both head inside. "Hey! We decided to play truth or dare, do you guys wanna join?" You and Shoko look at each other and shrug. "Sure, why not?" You both take a seat in the same spots. "Oh! And the rule is, that if you choose not to answer/to not do the dare you take 2 shots." You shoot a glare at Gojo and sigh. Choso raises his hand, "I'll go first!"

"Truth or dare, Y/N?"

♡tysm for reading !!! i luvv uuu! ♡

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