˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ seventeen˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

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you woke up to warmth next to your side, snoring his life away. you quietly giggled at the sight and sounds. it was an hour and thirty minutes until you needed to leave for school. tomorrow was the last day of school.. you could do it.

you forced yourself out of bed, stretching and letting out a big yawn. you went downstairs to find breakfast. shit, they didn't know about choso.

you finished the pancakes and once your aunt and uncle left for work you made a plate for choso. after making his plate you went upstairs to your bathroom, doing your makeup and hair. you decided to curl your hair and put a bow in, a nice, sage green color. you headed back to your room to find clothes to wear.

to match your outfit, you found a sage green long sleeved shirt with buttons and a white colored skirt. you went to the side of the bed and gently whispered into his ear to wake up. after a few failed attempts, you started to shake him a bit. "chosoo! wake up!" you raised your voice a little, his eyes fluttering open.

"wha-?! oh, it's you. sorry, i didn't mean to almost yell." you assured him it was okay, giving him a small smile. he eventually sat up and went to brush his hair and get ready. "oh, and by the way, you look pretty today. really pretty." you blushed as he walked away and found a pair of white heels to match.

you went back downstairs and sat down at the table, patiently waiting for choso to finish doing what he was doing. five minutes later, he came down the stairs with clothes and his hair down. "this looks good, who made it?"

"my aunt and uncle, they left a while ago for work. they weren't aware that you were here."

"ah." he sat next to you and ate all of his food. when he was done, he put the dishes away and got ready to leave. you grabbed your purse.

"oh, crap! wait, i have to get my earrings. i'll be quick!" you ran up the stairs, careful not to fall in the heels. you got to the bathroom and put your hooped earrings in and ran back downstairs. the two of you left the house and walked to school together, making conversation while on the way.

you and choso head into the school, side by side but not holding hands. whispers scattered throughout the school about the two of you. "i'm going to class, i'll see you later." he waved at you and headed inside with kenjaku.

you sighed, wanting him to stay longer. you walked into class and spotted yuji and sat down next to him.


"hey y/n! are you doing better?" you nodded and talked with him a bit more until the teacher started his lecture. you tried incredibly hard to stay awake, but as you drifted to sleep you felt your phone go off.

do u wanna skip school w/ me and some friends?

sure, but is mahito going to be there?

choso: yeah, but if he says anything to you let me handle it this time.

you smiled, gathering your things and sneaking out of class into the hall. you spotted choso, sukuna and mahito. kenjaku didn't wanna come because he was failing apparently.

the four of you left the school and got into sukuna's car. it was quiet, too quiet for them. mahito and sukuna sat in the front, turning up the music. you sat next to choso in the backseat, laying your head on his lap.

you looked beautiful in his eyes at this moment. the way the sun shined on your face, bringing out your eyes. he brought you up for a kiss, but you stopped him. "what are we, choso?"


"like. are we dating?" you watched his puzzled expression, he had to think about this.

"i mean, if you want to we can date." you nodded, going back in for a kiss. the car finally arrived to the mall. choso lifted you off of his lap gently and got out first, opening the door for you. you smiled at him and followed sukuna and mahito, choso trailing behind you.

all of you entered the mall and got food and drinks first so you weren't on empty stomachs. after you were all finished, sukuna and mahito split from you two and went to do shopping, and you and choso did the same. after going to a few stores, the two of you got prepared for the summer and spring.

you both had bought shorts, spandex and athletic shorts to be more specific. you both bought shirts and you bought dresses. after a long time of walking, you had a great idea.

"so you know how there's a hair salon near here?" he nodded, looking a bit nervous. "i was thinking about bleaching my hair for a while now.." he sighed as you dragged him over to the salon.

you told them what you wanted and they got to work. choso stood to the side and waited patiently, seeming interested in the process. choso continued to watch the hairstylists do your hair, eventually finding a seat. while waiting, a hairstylist offered to still his hair. he hesitated, eventually agreed.

after a few, long hours, your hair was done. choso got a little haircut and layers, and you had the same. choso paid and the two of you left. choso asked if you wanted to do anything else, as it was getting late. "i'm going to get my nails done, you can go with mahito and sukuna while you wait." he nods and gives you a kiss on the forehead before wandering off to find his friends.

you entered the nail salon and asked for french tips, they agreed and were done after an hour or two. you paid and left to find choso. after wandering for a bit, you heard a whistle behind you. you turned around to group of boys. you walked up to them and scolded them for their behavior. the group and you yelled at each other for a bit, yelling vile insults.

you felt someone creeping up behind you, and thankfully it was choso. "hm, what's wrong?" you explain what happened and notice sukuna and mahito behind choso. the group bursts into laughter at the sight, "what, are these your boyfriends? getting passed around like the slu-" before the man could finish his sentence, sukuna punched him in the jaw.

"if i were you, i wouldn't finish that sentence." the boys scattered in fear at the sight, while choso comforted you some more. after you felt better, and they weren't as livid, the four of you walked back to the car. you and choso sat in the back again, but choso's head was on your lap now.

"i like the blonde on you.. it suits you well." you giggle and play with his hair and the two of you talked more about your lives. "..since tomorrow is the last day of school, geto's throwing a party. do you wanna go with me?" you sighed and thought about it for a few seconds.

"i feel like i've been to a ton of parties recently.. can we go for a little then back to your house?" he smiles and nods at you, "anything for you."


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