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This story is inspired by juubi-mage0327

"Do you know why we were summoned?" Percy asked his girlfriend as they rode the Elevator to the 600th floor, he had been in the stables when Annabeth came in saying the both of them were being summoned to Olympus, "No, they just said to get to Olympus immediately" Annabeth said hiding a smirk. The elevator opened and the couple walked to the throne room, Percy had a bad feeling as they entered the throne room, instead of every god and goddess on their throne it was only a small few. Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aries, Dionysus and his father sat on their thrones glaring down at him, he didn't particularly like that most of the people in this room hated his very existence and it didn't help they were all glaring at him either. Chains surged up from the floor and wrapped around his arms and legs, chaining him to the ground "What? What's going on?!" Percy asked panicked, yanking on the chains to no avail, he looked over towards his girlfriend only to see her staring at him smugly from her mother's side.

"PERSEUS JACKSON, YOU ARE FOUND GUILTY OF ATTEMPTED MURDER, HELPING MONSTERS AND CONSPIRING AGAINST US." Zeus's voice boomed as he spoke, "what?!? I have done nothing of the sort! Annabeth tell them!" Percy pleaded looking to his girlfriend for help. "Why would I lie? You helped Lapetus, A Titan and Tyson, a monster. You almost killed Akhlys and you have on multiple occasions talked about your unhappiness with the gods" Annabeth said with a sneer, Percy's heart started to break, the girl he loved was condemning him to death. " Father, please " percy begged, looking towards his father helplessly " You are no son of mine, you are a disgrace , I never should of had you with your whore of a mother" Poseidon sneered, in reality percy had far outlived his usefulness, all of the gods had seen how powerful he was getting, he was becoming a threat to their power.

Percy slumped in defeat, his heart broke under the weight of betrayal from those he loved, slowly his heart hardened as he finally let go, giving in to the voice that had accompanied him since the pit. Everyone thought that he had left Tartarus unscathed but it was far from the truth, while in that pit a dark and chaotic aura started to fester in his soul, and a voice started to whisper in his mind, to give in to the feeling of power, chaos and the oh so addictive feeling of darkness but he had refused, he had Annabeth and he started to build a relationship with his father and that helped drown out the voice, until now. Percy slowly looked up at the gods his eyes no longer blue but black, they looked like a galaxy now instead of the sea, unbeknownst to everyone, down below even Tartarus, chaos awakened, Sensing the rising levels of chaos magic, following the pull she watched her grandchildren sentence a man to death, "Mark my words, you'll get what's coming to you" Percy spat just before the lightning struck, killing him instantly.


Percy gasped as he sprang up, he looked around at the vast void of darkness "where am I?" Percy wondered aloud, he knew immediately this wasn't the underworld "This is the void, moat know it as chaos realm, the final resting place for faded gods" a voice said, he turned around, coming face to face with a being, he's never seen before



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Giant form:


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"Your Chaos" Percy stated, "yes, and you have potential young one" Chaos said in return "Potential for what?" Percy asked skeptical, he was done trusting people lightly. "To carry on my powers, my children never could harness them, each gaining their own but you accepted the chaotic magic, the power. I'll make you a deal,  I'll help you go back in time, a second chance to right the wrongs against and in return you become my son" Chaos said. " Why would you help me? What do you get in return? " Percy asked " to see Zeus and his fellow gods burn for what they did to my children, and to carry on my legacy " Chaos said " alright, let's do this"

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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