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"My king? " Hephaestus called as he entered the Percy's private study, "Hephaestus you know you don't have to call me that, anyway what can I do for you? " Percy asked curiously, he wondered what had the God so nervous. "It's about Charlie, my son, I'm worried about him, he hasn't prayed to me in a while" Hephaestus confessed, Charlie prayed to him as a way of Comunicating with him, it was unlike his son to go a week without a single prayer. "I'll retrieve him, he's my next intented" Percy promised, "thank you" Hephaestus said, sighing in relief.


Percy stayed in chaos's realm as he watched Charlie move about the forge, "Charlie, your in the stupid forge again, come here" Silena called, sneering as she looked around the dirty work shop, Percy twitched as he watched the daughter of Aphrodite touch what belonged to him "it's my favorite place sil, I'll put this away then we can do what you want" Charlie sighed as he began putting away his things. "Maybe my charm's not strong enough yet, I don't know how my mother stays with that oaf of a husband but I refuse to do the same, maybe next year the charm will be strong enough, or I could have one of those magic weilders help me" Silena muttered as she waited impatiently by the door.  'Aphrodite, please take away the beauty and charm speak from Silena Beauregard, she has my intented under her charm and has called your husband an oaf' Percy informed the goddess, Contrary to popular belief, Aphrodite wasn't vain, we're people believed she was vain and arrogant she was secure in the way she looked and had the power to back up her confidence.

'Why that-! ' Aphrodite raged, she couldn't believe one of her children would do that to anyone, much less one of her stepsons, 'she's also the one responsible for your love for annabeth' Chaos added, Percy's glare intensified as he glared at the person responsible for helping that bitch in keeping him away from his Grover. Aphrodite felt through the various strings tying her to her various children, finding the correct one she yanked on the thread, she couldn't cut it as only the fates could do that upon their deaths but she could yank it and cause a few of her abilities to be removed from a certain child, specifically the ability for charm speak, and flawless beauty, in times like this she was happy her child were vain. Percy smirked as he watched the beauty being ripped from Silena, he would have done more but knew Silena would be getting a hard time from now on from her siblings, oh he couldn't wait, "alright ev-" Charlie stopped as he looked at the teen in front of him "wait... You framed me! " Charlie accused, the end of the charm allowed his mind to look over the past few weeks, he noticed the signs his father had warned him about.

"Yes, she did my crafter, and Silena for touching what is mine, you have been punished, it should be fun seeing how your sisters treat you now" Percy mused as he stepped out of chaos's realm, "what are you doing here? How am I yours? " Charlie asked, hiding the attraction he felt towards the Raven haired demi Titan, he was just tricked by one demi Titan, he didn't want to be tricked by another. Percy shoved Silena out of the room before turning back to Charlie, "this will tell you everything" Percy said as chaos gave him all of his memories of a different life.


"Percy? " Artemis asked as she knocked on his door "yes Artemis?, how can I help you? " Percy asked, looking up from his work, "I was wondering if my Hunters can come here, it'll help them train for the battle and allow them to see Zoë again" Artemis asked, Zoë had to stay near the castle until she was back to full strength because nyx resided here and helped zoë with her recovery. "Alright, there's enough cabins if they wish to stay in the woods, and more then enough room if they wish to stay in the castle, remember this is your home as much as it is mine" Percy said, Artemis smiled, she couldn't wait to bring her hunters here.

Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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