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"Baby, wake up, we're here" Percy said softly, shaking Grover slightly as he pulled up to the Lotus casino "mmm, food" Grover moaned, smelling food. Percy chuckled, "let's get inside and get your food" Percy said fondly, holding Grover's hand as he led the way inside. "He can't be here" one of the workers said, stopping in front of them "and why not, Last I checked Lotus eaters take in all kinds of people" Percy said, his eyes narrowing as his aura released, covering the area. The Lotus Eater in front of him paled "n-normally y-yes My L-lord, but we don't give any cookies to pregnant people, it messes everything up and ends up causing a lot of trouble" the worker rushed out, stuttering slightly as he realized who they had in front of them. Percy froze, pregnant playing on a loop inside of his head, Grover shot a hand to his stomach, he gasped softly as he felt a thrum of magic, as if his unborn child was confirming this person's claim, Percy cleared his throat, putting this information to the back of his head for now, "he won't be taking a cookie, please tell your leader that I would like to have a meeting with them tomorrow, if you could possibly give us a room for the night" Percy asked, "Of course, follow me".

" Percy? " Grover called, his voice small as he looked towards his catatonic master, staring out at the Vegas Strip, Percy shook himself, turning towards his little buck, dear Hecate his buck was pregnant. "I'm not mad, baby, or disappointed, I'm just in shock" Percy said, kneeling in front of his buck "w-what are we going to do, W-what do we do? " Grover stuttered, the full realization fully hitting him in that moment. "What do you want to do? Do you want to keep it? " Percy asked calmly, wanting Grover to make this decision "Of course I want to keep it. D- Do you not-" "yes I want a child with you, but I didn't want that affecting your decision" Percy said, cutting his little buck off before he could cause himself more panic. "As for what to do, Tonight I'll hold a meeting with Nari, Aphrodite , Hestia, Nemesis and call for Eileithyia, it will be ok my love" Percy reassured his buck, "besides, think of it this way, you will be my only love to bear my children, aside from Apollo,you will give me my first child" Percy added, causing a smile to appear on Grover's face.


"Congratulations Son" Nari said once he entered the room "what are we congratulating? " Hestia asked curiously "Grover is Pregnant" Percy admitted, still slightly awed by the news "That's wonderful " Hestia cheered, "I bet they'll be beautiful babies" Aphrodite sighed happily, "how is he pregnant? He's male and not a God" Nemesis asked. "I didn't actually think of that one, Nari, any guesses? " Percy asked, all of them turning to the primordial "Grover's case is unique because not only can he shape shift, Abiet limitedly, but he has a heat, created by the bond you both share, a saytr experiences heat in order to become pregnant, grover's body recognized and accepted this regardless of his current body, chaos magic, no doubt helped warp his body to withstand pregnancy" Chaos explained. "Will he be able to get pregnant again? " Percy asked "yes" Chaos nodded, "alright, I called you here to help me figure out how to navigate this news and to help convince Eileithyia " Percy explained, the group nodding before chaos willed the labour goddess into the room. "Great grandma? Aunt? Nemesis, Aphrodite? Why am I here? Who is he? " Eileithyia asked looking around in confusion and curiousity, "he's my Son, Percy, he'll be overthrowing your parents and taking over as a more reasonable ruler" Chaos said, getting straight to the point.

"Why am I here? " "I would like to form an alliance with you as I have done them, and maybe ask for your help in figuring out how to take care of my pregnant Saytr" Percy said, Eileithyia looked towards the tall man, "what would I get out of this Alliance? " she asked skeptically "what do you wish? " Percy asked in return. "To be able to do my job without interference, allow children to be born regardless if it was from an affair or not, to be left alone and not be ordered to have children because of my title " she said sadly, her mother made her rid many of her siblings in her Jeoulously, and her father wanted her to have children of her own, he believed they would be stronger and the perfect solders for him, all she wanted was to be left alone, have children when or if she ever is ready to have any "I'll make sure of it" Percy assured her, "then we have a deal, I would like to meet my new patient"


Until next time my pups

I HATE moving and packing, at this point I wish house elves were real or I could snap my fingers and have it done instantly

• Mischief Managed•

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