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"Apollo, dear, why wasn't will at camp when I showed up? He was there last time" Percy asked curiously, just now remembering that he hasn't seen his sunshine during his brief stay at camp, Nico perked up as he heard his previous boyfriends name, last time he had a crush on Percy but annabeth stopped it from happening, then he had met will and the sun child wormed his way into his heart. Now he had his family, he would have both of his crushes and so many more people that love him, he couldn't wait until the bad gods were gone and they could begin to have their happily ever after, just like his mama said he would. "He went to stay with his mom, she retired from singing and has been getting sick" Apollo explained sadly, him and Naomi had been friends and still were to this day, he didn't have an ounce of romantic feelings towards the mother of his child but he still cared for her deeply. "Can she be healed?" Percy asked, wondering why will hadn't healed his mother "Only an immortal would be able to heal her, but Zeus had forbidden that I interact in the life of a mortal " Apollo said bitterly, "Pallas, Hestia, which side would Asclepius and Panacea go to? " Percy asked, he wanted all of his loves to be happy and if saving this mortal meant Apollo and Will were happy, then it was well worth it, besides, he couldn't imagine life with out his mother.

"Asclepius is a son of Apollo, him, Panacea and his wife, Epione along with their 5 other daughters would side with you" Pallas explained, having thought of which way every minor God would go, it helped that Percy had been considered the god of the minor God's and goddesses, even without actually having god hood. "Please bring them here" Percy requested, Hestia nodded before disappearing, out of everyone, she was able to go anywhere without detection, which urked Hades something fierce as even he couldn't blend into the background as well as Hestia could. "They have been tampered with son, all of them have been forced to hate Apollo" Chaos warned, this would need to be fixed immediately otherwise one of them would say something hurtful to Apollo and then it would be a race to see you would kill them first between Artemis and Percy. "Apollo dear, go and get Naomi and will for me, explain everything to them and what I am doing right now" Percy requested, looking towards his Sun "alright, wanna come with Nico? " Apollo asked, Nico nodded, smiling as Percy kissed him goodbye and warned him to be careful.

"Welcome Epione, Goddess of Pain Relief, Asclepius, God of Medicine and their daughters Panacea, Goddess of Cures, Iaso, Goddess of recuperating from illness, Aceso, Goddess of Wellbeing and the healing process, Aegle, Goddess of Radiant health and Hygeia, Goddess of Health, Hygiene and Cleanliness" a shadow soldier announced, Percy nodded to Hestia who immediately began unraveling the curses placed on them by Zeus with the help of Styx. "Where's my father, I have to apologize" Asclepius said immediately, he couldn't believe half of the things he had told his father, "thank you for freeing us, how may we repay you" Epione asked, thankful to have full control of her actions again "Apollo will be bringing a demigod, your half brother and his mother, she's I'll and only divine help can save her, unfortunately Apollo has been forbidden to do anything, please help her" Percy asked "we will" They agree just before Apollo appeared with a worried will and Nico and a pale Naomi.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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