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"Hello Apollo" Percy greeted, smirking as the sun god jumped in fright, normally he'd be able to hear or sense someone approaching, but his future master hadn't made a sound when he entered "Master? " Apollo asked curiously, turning to face him. "Good boy, you know your place already" Percy praised, enjoying the blush that started to form "let's seal the bond before I kidnap you" Percy said, a mischievous look appearing in his eye, Percy wasn't going to risk allowing someone that belongs to him in a place that Zeus could access, contrary to what the gods thought, Apollo could perform his duties anywhere expect the underworld as he always needed at least on place to have sun.


"Ok, the prophecy states that the battle will happen soon after my 16th birthday, which is August 18th, we have a little over a year to train " pallos would need to be brought in, he may have sided with Zeus during the last war but unlike Styx, he'll side with us" Chaos explained  "I'll get him" Gaia offered, she missed her grandson, one of the few that still spoke to her now a days.  "Alright while she gets him, who's going to fight for Zeus, and the others, I know the gods will feel they should, before the battle starts I'll ask them to step aside, at which point Chaos will get all of them out of there" Percy explained. "The Nymphs will fight for Demeter and Zeus, the Naiads are with Poseidon, Satyrs are with Dionysus, Athena has her wit and Hera will likely try to utilize the demigods" Pallas said as he walked into the room followed by his grandmother, he was over joyed that she was free again. "Only half of the Naiads are foolishly loyal to Poseidon, From the whispers of water, I've heard the that he abuses the queen, and takes his pick of the merpeople, the people will only fight if Triton says so, half of the Naiads are only loyal to the queen" Aphrodite explained, due to her being born from Oceanus she had a faint connection to the underwater world.

"What of your sons? Soon enough word of Ares's disappearing will circulate olympus, their powers would weaken most of us immediately" Percy asked, looking to Aphrodite "they will have to be killed before hand,  they follow their father to much to even give me the time of day" Aphrodite said, she never wanted to have them but Zeus ordered it and she was powerless against him. "We'll lock down the camp a few days before the battle, ensure that none of them come to their aid" Hecate said, "the nymphs are loyal to me and my mother, I will only be able to stop half of them coming to her aid" Persephone explained, "not exactly child, I helped in the creation of the nymphs, as did my brother with the Naiads, as such most will answery call, those that have sworn loyalty to Demeter will follow her regardless" Gaia answered.  "The satyrs won't be moved, all of them see Dionysus as their master and will do anything to protect him " Grover explained, sitting on his rather comfortable throne as he ate some grapes, he wasn't allowed to stand for long, his master and the others were really overprotective but he secretly loved it.

"I assume the battle will be held in Olympus? " Pallas asked "yes, I want the group alive, their warriors may die but I want them alive" Percy explained "what of the mortals? All that fighting is likely to create a lot of noise not to mention what happens to the elements when Zeus and Poseidon get into a fit of rage" Hades asked, he didn't want to take any mortals before their time, it just meant more paper work for him and less room for the dead. "Hecate, can you stay back and power a shield around the Americas it will help combat The raging sea and storms, and Hypnosis, can you put everyone to sleep, it'll help lessen the need for the most to cover up" Percy suggested "that would work, however the both of us will be out of the battle" Hecate explained "that will be fine, the undead army have been waiting for a battle for a long time" Hades said, a menacing smirk pulling onto his face.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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