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"Apollo, where are we? " Artemis demanded, before hunching over as she held her head in agony "what's going on" Persephone asked, confused and scared, "I'LL KILL THEM! " Artemis Roared, Standing up straight, power and Rage radiating off of her in Anger "who? " Persephone asked "Zeus, Ares, your blasted Mother and Hera" Artemis growled out. "I would first like to point out that Ares is mine, you can help think of things for me to do to him, but ultimately he's mine, you can have Demeter though and of course Dionysus but you'll have to share him with Aphrodite" Percy said as he entered the room "wha-" Persephone trailed off, not only she beyond scared but she was terribly confused as well, "I am Percy, Son of Chaos, Artemis wasn't always like this, she liked men, or rather she used to have boys in her hunt as well, however Zeus and the others she mentioned didn't like it, she was becoming more powerful, Zeus and Ares especially as they had a thing for younger boys, they erased her memories of them and locked them up, Hera and your mother ended up killing them" Percy explained. "My mother was a selfish person, she almost poisoned my husband and spread that horrible rumor about him kidnapping me " Persephone said, "I plan to over thow them, I'll be the new king, I've spoken to everyone in the underworld, Styx is in a cell and since your up here for another month, I figured I would call you" Percy said.

"Thank you for telling us" Artemis said, "How did they take it? " Persephone asked "Good, Hades two children will be to visit in a month, his son is one of my intended" Percy said, hoping to resolve this before his intended becomes a flower again "that's wonderful! I always wished they were with us, but my mother made it known that she found them disgusting, I didn't mind Hades being with their mother, I enjoyed quite a few nights with her to" Persephone said, her face lighting up in joy at being able to finally see her children. "I have something to tell the two of you" Percy said, looking towards Apollo and Artemis "after Zeus is gone, I'm going to free your mother and Aunt" Percy said, both eyes filled with tears before letting out joyful laughter, they had missed their family everyday. "Thank you so much, what can we do in return? " Artemis asked as for the first time in a thousand years she cried, "How can I bring back Zoë? " Percy asked, realizing why the fates asked for it "you'd have to give her Riptide, but the sword was lost centuries ago" Artemis said with a look of longing in her eyes, she loved So, and it broke her heart when she died, she couldn't bear to see her go to the underworld, so Hades allowed her to place So amongst the stars.

Percy uncapped Riptide, showing the sword to Artemis, "Can we do this from my mind? " Percy asked "yes" Artemis nodded, for the first time in centuries she felt hopeful, "Alright, call her spirt forth" Percy said, Artemis nodded, sending a silent prayer to Hades and Thanatos, hoping this works before she called forth a star dust image of Zoë. Percy stepped forward, placing the sword within her hands, a light formed from the center, expanding and glowing brighter until everyone had to look away, shielding their eyes, once the light dispersed everyone turned to look at the slumped figure of Zoë Nightshade. "She's the first ever Star Nymph, over the next few days she'll need help leveling out her power" Chaos said, appearing next to their son "I'll take care of her" Artemis said, carefully picking Zoë up and disappearing from the area.


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"Your not going anywhere near Olympus" Ares ordered, glaring at the pair as they stopped near the beach "Hecate make sure no one sees this" Percy whispered before stepping forward "aww pet, I'll be making sure you get what you deserve" Percy said sadistically, he smirked as Ares charged at him, once he was close enough Percy lept to the side, slapping a pair of hand cuffs designed by Hecate and Hephaestus onto him  "wha- what did you do! " Ares demanded as he couldn't feel his power or strength "I simply took your power and strength away, it's wonderful when you get Hecate and Hephaestus together, as for what I'm going to do to you well.. " Percy trailed off as he walked forward, forcing Ares mouth open as he shoved a potion down his throat  "Sadly I have to go but I promise you, I'll visit you real soon" Percy said with a manic grin on his face, Ares disappeared, reappearing in one of the many Cells Hestia built under Percy's castle.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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