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"wait, we have to deal with Gabe first, I don't plan to come back to an apartment full of cops" Sally said, stopping any further movement as she remembered about the mess she left in the bedroom "did he suffer?" Percy asked eagerly, a spark of insanity appearing in his eyes as he looked intently at his mother "Horribly" Sally responded, a smirk making it's onto her face. "If the two of you have chaos magic, what's my magic?" Grover asked curiously, "well given your Parentage, and from what Chaos has figured out, you have Elemental magic, Teleporting, speak any language, all the powers you had as a Satyr only heightened and limited shapeshifting, and of course anything that comes as a legacy of Mr.D" Percy listed, having no wish to to envoke that traitors attention yet. "As for Gabe, since we both have Chaos magic, we can combined our effort to manipulate reality enough to make everyone believe he died of an overdose a week ago, you cremated him so there's no grave, once done, we simply burn the body" Percy explained, " that would work, you both would be splitting the effort so their would be less backlash on you if any" Grover said, nodding in agreement.

The mother and son joined hands, focusing their magic to do what they wished, Purple and Sea green swirled around the pair before it shot out in different directions, necessary documents and paperwork materlized in their respective spots, Gabe's friends memory's were modified, new memories appeared, showing them hearing the news and the closed casket funeral. The pairs eyes opened as they felt their job complete, their magic fading away, back into their bodies " Sally's magic is the color of your eyes Perce, or at least the eyes you had last time" Grover said once he got over the awe of feeling so much magic. " Alright, grover, love, come here" percy called, what better way to practice his elemental magic then to help get rid of the bastard, "Ok, raise your hand, palm up, good boy, now imagine a flame dancing on your palm" Percy coached, enjoying the blush covering Grover's face and neck as he praised him. Grover concentrated, imagining a flame ignited on the palm of his hand, he smiled when he saw a flame ignite, turning towards the bed he formed the flame into a ball and threw it at the body.

The three watched in glee as Gabe's body burned, turning to ash before their eyes, Grover waved his hand, extinguishing the flames leaving behind a pile of ash and smoke, concentrating he moved his finger in a circular motion, imagining a gus of wind appearing, blowing the smoke and ash out the new opened window. "I did it!" Grover said estasticaly, "Good boy, buck" Percy praised, pulling his love closer and giving him a searing kiss "Alright, come on lovebirds, lets get going to the cabin" sally said with a small smile, she was happy her son had found his happiness.


"Let's go" Percy said as the first drops of rain hit the cabin "The minotaur won't appear for another 30 minutes" Grover said, the only one of the three that knew what time the minotaur started his attack, "It's going to take at least half of that to get to the hill" Percy pointed out, grover nodded, his dominant did have a point. The three piled into the camero and drove towards the strawberry farm sign, Thalia's tree was the only point of entry aside from the sea and none of them wanted to be in Poseidon's realm anymore then absolutely necessary.


"There" Grover said, point at the nearby sign, percy nodded, stopping the car as a billowing roar could be heard for miles "Let's go" Percy said, the three scrambled out of the car and started making their way up the hill, percy took a minute to vanish the car before helping his mom up the muddy hill. "Wait until he takes me before attacking" Sally reminded her son, percy nodded, stepping back behind the barrier as he made a half hearted attempt to get her through the barrier, she would be able to with Chaos's blessing but that would be extremely bad for their plans, instead she dug her feet into the ground, making it seem like the barrier refused to allow her entrance. Suddenly sally was grabbed and pulled into the air, the minotaur squeezed until with a puff of golden dust his mom disappeared, Percy growled, he knew his mom would be safe but he would finally be able to enact his revenge and be awake to see it fully. Percy stepped outside the barrier Purple and Black mist surrounding him as two balls of coloured light appeared in his hands "Paybacks a bitch" he said with a smirk, uprooting a nearby boulder, he slammed it down onto the charging bull, effectively killing the minotaur, for now.


~up on Olympus ~

Zeus stroked his beard, his eyes narrowed onto his nephew, he had never seen magic like that before, he would be cautious of his brother's child, even more so now, those gifts would have definitely helped him get his prized lighting bolt without his knowledge.


Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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