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~Time Skip~

Grover winced as he watched his master practice his magic with Sally and Chaos, his hand rested against his swollen belly as another pain shot through his spine, he figured they were Braxton Hicks, he'd had false labor pains the last two months of his pregnancy and believed this was no different. "hey Grover, come join me" Persephone called as she turned from the woodland creatures she had been talking to, contrary to what her mother believed, Persephone wasn't trapped in the underworld, she could leave when ever she wished, however she didn't want to, she loved her home, her husband and her children, she only said that so her mother couldn't force her to leave. "Coming" Grover returned as he stood up, Grover hunched over, clutching his stomach as unbearable pain shot through his stomach and along his spine, water ran down Grover"s legs as he waited for the contraction to subside. "Percy! " Grover yelled, Percy's head turned towards Grover quickly, his eyes widening as he took in the hunched over form of his doe and the puddle underneath him. "The baby's coming! Hecate, Eilthyia meet us in the infirmary! " Percy said, before rushing over to his doe and picking him up bridal style, before running towards the infirmary, he was about to be a dad.


Everyone rushed into the room as soon as the doors opened, laying in one of the beds was Grover fast asleep, sitting in a chair next to him sat Percy, his eyes never leaving the pink bundle in his arms. "She's perfect" Percy whispered as his intendeds, mom, and National moved closer to Percy, Sally reached her son first, her eyes looked down at the baby, her granddaughter and she knew in an instant, she would do anything for her, just like she was with Percy "she's beautiful" Sally said softly, not wishing to wake Grover from his much needed rest. "Hold your granddaughter mom" Percy said, handing his daughter over, he couldn't believe she was here, it seemed like only yesterday he came back in time, "what's her name, son? " chaos asked as she couldn't take her eyes off of her newest grandchild "Devika, Devika Khaos Jackson" Percy said quietly.


Poseidon screamed as he threw another chair at the wall, the plan had been working perfectly, lay with a mortal women, ensure she was pregnant and leave, he even made sure that his age would match up with that blasted prophecy, all that hard work, only for that bitch of a great grandmother he had to swoop In and steal his tool. He couldn't use him to fight Kronos now, and that just made his brother's anger even worse, he would end that embarrassment, Poseidon tossed a coin into the constant rainbow pool he had "Perceus Jackson, I Challenge you to a Fight of the Kings here in Atlantis, Failure to comply will see everything you own comes to me" Poseidon challenged.


"A challenge of the kings? " Sally repeated in confusion, "It's a match between rulers, you fight until they are incapable of fighting any more or until one of them is dead, the loser forfeits everything he owns and any titles he has to the winner. In this case Poseidon would lose his godly title which would go to Percy along with anything he owned, and vise versa, expect Percy's intendeds, more specifically Grover and Devika would go to Poseidon" Artemis explained. "Hecate, is there a way you can grant me the ability to breath under water" Percy asked calmly, his magic swirled around him in a rage as it Caccooned Grover and Navika, trying to protect them. "Yes my king, the spell would only last 24 hours, by then you should have won and be able to breath on your own or not" Hecate said quietly, she realized right then and there that she never ever wanted to see her king in a rage again, "perform the spell, it seems it's time to deal with my old man" Percy said.


"Perceus" Poseidon sneered as he looked at his son, "Poseidon" Percy returned coldly, "this is a King's Challenge, the rules are simple, aim to kill or Permantely incapacitate, the winner receives everything of the loser, in 3.....2......1..... Go! " Amphitrite Announced nervously, secretly she hoped Percy would win. Percy wrapped his former father in black mist completely stilling his movements, he didn't care about putting on a show for the spectators and he certainly didn't care one bit about ending this quickly, he wanted the threat against his queen and princess gone, and couldn't wait to go back home. He pulled out a potion and shoved it down Poseidon's throat, forcing him to swallow all of the potion, "I'll make sure you can see area from your cell, and Don't worry, you'll have a front row seat to the destruction of Olympus" Percy said lowly before he used his most and sent the Now unconscious and useless god to his dungeons.

"Percy Jackson Wins! " Amphitrite announced happily, "As your new king,  I leave Queen Amphitrite in charge of all of you, your Highness, all I want is your son, he is my last Prophecized intended, but if you are ever in need I am but a call away" Percy announced, Triton blushed as he looked towards his most recent crush. "Thank your, your majesty, you have freed us from him, you may have my son's hand, as long as he comes to visit every once and while" Amphitrite said with a smile, "you have my word" Percy promised, before he grabbed Triton's hand and teleported away with him.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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