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"Do you think Medusa will mind that I took all of this?" Grover asked, before biting into a soda can, "No love, I think she'll be happy to not take trash out this month" Percy replied, sparing a glance at his Buck before paying attention to the road again, after him and Medusa struct their deal, she allowed them to stay the night and enjoy some food before they left in the morning, percy held a wallet full of money both mortal and dracmas from her various garden statues. "We'll have to get a hotel tonight, and go to the Pantheon in the morning" Grover commented as he looked at a map, "Alright, since I don't have the powers like last time, I'm going to use my magic to lift you up and you grab the pearl" Percy said, thinking over their plan "wouldn't the mortals see? Even with the mist, they'll still see something " Grover asked concerned " Normally, yes but I plan to put up a wall of magic, it'll act as a cover till we're done and out of the area" Percy said with a smile.


"Hello Your Majesty" Hestia greeted with a slight bow before standing up straight "Hello Hestia, is there a reason for the vist or did you just wanna see me?" percy asked Curious "Apollo and Aphrodite would like to have a word with you" She said seriously, "Alright, Have them appear in tomorrow's dream, That way I can get the Pantheon out of the way and I can discuss Ares with Her" Percy said after a moment's thought " I will, oh and your house shall be done by the time this quest is over My King " Hestia said " alright, thank you Hestia and send my thanks to Nemesis as well" Percy said before the world faded away and he woke up

"When this is all over, and you win. Can we travel the world?" Grover asked as they stepped into the Pantheon "What ever you wish my love, I'll do my best to make happen" Percy promised as they stopped infront of Athena's Statue, "I wonder how her daughter's currently fairing at camp" Percy remarked with a smirk, Annabeth had started calling the Aphrodite cabin the whore house, and non to many cabin members enjoyed the name "I'll be surprised if she holds even an once of beauty when we get back" Grover retorted, a baa escaping his mouth. "Lets do this" Percy said, a small smile on his face before he concentrated his mist forming a wall that stopped mortals from seeing what they were doing, Percy carefully lift his buck up, levitating him towards the headpiece atop Athena's Statue "I got it!" Grover cheered triumphily, Percy smiled, slowly bringing his buck down "I'm proud of you baby, let's go, I'm sure there's cans for you to eat" Percy said, letting the wall drop as they made their way back to the car .


"May I know why you've seeked me out?" Percy asked curiously, he hadn't even talked to either immortal, neither had chaos, making both confused on why they would request to meet. "I have a prophecy for you" Apollo said shyly, the prophecy already working it's magic on him, "I've heard of your plans for Ares, I am not angry nor will I defend my " lover" Aphrodite said sneering at the word lover. "first, this prophecy, then I shall speak to you" Percy decided, Apollo nodded stepping forward as his eyes went white

"A Child of the Eldest God,
Shall reach 16 against all odds,
Born from a time not yet lived,
To a past that's been Revived,
Together with his buck,
They shall test their luck,
Olympus will be no more
The old Rule shall be restored"

Apollo recited before coming out of his trance," Alright, I'm still the child of prophecy, lovely. Is there anything else? " Percy said, raising an eyebrow at the blushing sun god " One of my oracles has given a smaller prophecy, it give clues as to the harem you are to have" Apollo said causing Percy's eyes to widen and his jaw to slack " alright, please tell me" Percy said

"First the split God's son,
Next the betraying one.
Summer brings the Sun's Patron
After is the son of Satan,
Followed closely by the Sun's child
Then the son of the once exiled,
Son's of Grace, Mars and Fire
Taken in one time of desire,
Lastly the Son of Ocean's Queen
Shall make the group complete "

" Your the sun's Patron, I'll be seeing you after the summer solstice Apollo " Percy said with a smirk, one that grew as he enjoyed the blush covering the god's face. " Alright, why do you not care of my plans for Ares? " Percy asked curiously " He deserves it, he's a sexist, egotistical bastard, the only reason I even allowed him to touch me is because the oh so mighty Zeus demanded for his war god to impregnate me and give them beautiful children that were the best in war, I tell Hephaestus where we "meet up, so my beloved husband can get payback" Aphrodite said nonchalantly. " alright, I have something to discuss with you and your husband tomorrow as I can feel myself waking up, see you tomorrow Aphrodite and I'll be seeing you soon Apollo, bye for now Hestia" Percy said as his world went black


"Would anyone like to guess who each line is about, I'll give you a hint: there's ten of them, all are boys and two of them are from the Roman camp

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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