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Percy took a shaky breath as the Elevator Rose, memories of what happened less then a month ago as soon as he stepped out of this Elevator flooded into his mind, showcasing over and over again the betrayal and hurt he felt that day, Grover ran a soothing hand over his master's arm "come back to me, master" Grover pleaded softly, Percy shook himself free from the memories, focusing in on his doe "stay in this elevator alright, I won't be long" Percy said, looking his buck in his eyes "yes master" Grover said obediently, he knew it was mainly to help calm Percy's nerves and Grover had no plan to add to his master's protective panic. The elevator dinged before opening "be right back love" Percy said, kissing Grover before he made his way through Olympus and into the throne room, he grounded his teeth before Bowing to Zeus then Poseidon 'it's part of the plan.. Part of the plan' he thought, reminding himself to keep his cool and get through this meeting. "What do you have to say for yourself Perseus Jackson" Zeus's booming voice demanded, "I didn't steal the bolt, All I know is, somehow during our trip, the bolt appeared in a back pack I got from the Ares children, Hades's Helm of Darkness was also stolen and it revealed itself in the same backpack" Percy explained, silently preying to Apollo that Zeus believed him, he put the bolt on the floor in front of him, watching as it soared into Zeus's outstretched hand .

"He speaks the truth, very well, to show my thanks I'll let you live. You better be gone before I return, oh and don't go flying ever again" Zeus warned as he stood up and left the throne room, Percy nodded sparing a glance at the god he once called father before he turned and left, he was in no mood to hear any nonsense from him.


"Remember immediately ask to go to see the council and get a searchers license, I'll wait until you are safely at mom's Apartment before telling nari to reveal my parentage" Percy explained, one hand on his Buck's thigh as he drove back to camp, "will you be showing me what you do with Luke? " Grover asked, trying to act nonchalantly as he grew horny and at the idea, his hormones were all over the place, however the one thing that stayed the same or really heighten was his libido. "Yes, you are only allowed to touch yourself this once, do you understand? " Percy asked, glancing at his buck briefly "yes Master" Grover said in return, Percy parked at the bottom of the hill, he got out before quickly going to the other side to help his buck "remember mom's going to be waiting for you right in front of thalia's tree" Percy said, reminding his buck as they made their way to the top of the hill. Once the duo walked past thalia's tree, they were surrounded by people, it would have been a mirror image of the first time they appeared if not for the fact it was day and the Campers were cheering, "congratulations Percy, Grover" Chiron said as he came over, Grover smiled at Percy before moving over to Chiron, a quick, whispered conversation had the pair going off in a different direction.


Percy glanced around the fire, smiling as Grover showed off his searchers license to the other satyrs, he knew it pleased his buck to show the others that bullied him, that he got what they dreamed of, and it helped that Grover made no plan of using it, and by the time any one on the council questioned it, Percy would have already won the war and be in charge. Percy left to the cabin once Grover left, he knew he'd have to leave soon after he revealed his parentage, and he planned to be taking luke with him, Percy repressed a smirk as he followed Luke into the Cabin, oh how he had been dreaming about this. "Congratulations Percy" Luke said as he opened the door to his room "thanks Luke" Percy said, following him inside the room and slamming him against the door


Luke struggled in his arms, trying valiantly to be released while also trying to hide a Bonner as the star of his wet dreams pinned him to his door "let go of me! " Luke demanded, "Now now Luke, that's no way to treat your master" Percy said, tsking as he spun Luke around, holding him face first against the door "M-Master? " Luke asked as he stopped fighting, instead he tried to force his erection down "yes, I figured that sense you needed a king, some one to rule your every decision so badly that you would call that chopped up has been down below master, I figured I'd give you someone worthy of being called master" Percy said, smirking as he waved his hand, Luke's clothes disappearing in an instant. Luke blushed as he felt cold air against his naked skin "I know you've heard me and Grover, I also know it'll be easier to understand after this" Percy whispered, biting Luke's ear as Luke's other memories were shown to him.

Luke went slack in Percy's arms as the memories faded, "Please Master" Luke begged, giving into his desires now that he knew they wouldn't be laughed at "of course pet, but I must punish you for what you did pet" Percy growled as he vanished his clothes, A small purple Mist left his hand and circled Luke's cock, ensuring the blonde wouldn't be able to cum unless Percy said otherwise. Percy bent Luke against the door, spitting on his cock and covering it in the saliva, Percy spread Luke's ass and slammed into the virgin hole, Luke screamed as he was entered with no stretching, Percy growled lowly as he was squeezed from all sides "you will take my cock slut" Percy groaned as he pulled out half way, his arousal spiking as he saw blood on his dick, he slammed back in, setting a brutal pace, leaving Luke no time to adjust as he rammed into Luke's hole "Fuck" Luke hissed as slowly the pain subsided, slowly being mixed with pleasure, Luke moaned as his prostate was hit repeatedly, he whimpered as he was denied release again and again. Percy fucked him against the door, spilling his seed into the child of Hermes before throwing him onto the bed and fucking him again, only once Percy came for the fourth time did the magical cock ring disappear and allow Luke to cum, he screamed his release to the room before laying limp on the bed, his mind white out with pleasure

Percy laid down next to Luke and pulled him into his arms, a small smirk on his face as he thought of his blushing, pregnant doe at home.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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