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"It's time my king" Pallas said seriously, Percy nodded "gather the troupes, have Grover and Davika put in a secure part of the castle. Have Hecate and Hypnosis start their parts of the plan" Percy said, Pallas nodded. The castle was in a flurry of movement as everyone got ready, Zöe and Bianca were chosen to stay back, to ensure Grover and Davika would be ok, "Hermes" Percy called as he started to walk towards the castle doors "yes my king? " Hermes asked curiously "You and Apollo, Find Leto, don't stop her as she'll disappear again, I'll come to you once the battle is over" Percy explained, Hermes nodded as him and Apollo left. "Ready? " Percy asked looking over the assembled group, hunters, Gods, Goddesses, Titans,  Titanesses and the primordials, all stood together to put an end to zeus's rein.


"Zeuuuussss, we're here" Percy called out as him and his allies stormed Olympus, he silently thanked iris as he knew this battle will be soon to the camps and underworld. "You are not welcome here! You and your traitor" Zeus booked, lighting flashing across the sky, "well it's a good thing, I don't care what you want" Percy crawled, looking towards Zeus with disinterest. Zeus growled, he'll show this upstart who was more powerful "Charge! He ordered, flying above the group, Percy's group went into action, The hunters battling the Nymphs and Satyrs that showed up, Persephone and Hades tag teamed some of the lesser gods, the ones that beloved Zeus to be untouchable, Sally, Chaos and Hestia went after Hera and Athena, the three had a few bones to pick with Percy's worst haters. Percy glared at Zeus, " let's go, old man, I've dealt with your brother, let's finally have that Poseidon vs Zeus fight you've been wanting " Percy Taunted, his eyes a glowing purple as his magic swirled around him. "You will be easy" Zeus sneered, throwing a lightning bolt towards the brat, Percy threw up a wall of water, the lightning sizzling out as it became surrounded by his magic induced water, Zeus brow furrowed, that had never happened before, no matter even great people like him have had off throws every once in a while.

Percy held up his arm, surrounding Zeus with water, he stepped forward his magic reach out towards the God, paralyzing him "You have hurt many people Zeus, Family and Mortals alike, I deem you guilty, once I kill you, you shall spend the rest of eternity in tarturus, where Tarturus himself will see to your punishment" Percy commanded, forcing the once proud God to swallow all of the potion, making him a mortal. Percy looked around, now that his fight with Zeus was over, they had won, with no casualties, he smirked as only the major players associated with his death remained. "Bring Poseidon" Percy said, smirking towards the bound Athena


Hecate appeared with Poseidon, both her and Aphrodite pushes some of their magic into him, Poseidon tore off Athena's robes "wait! no! Don't do this! " Athena begged, "Funny, that's what I said before he took me against the floor, pity no one here cares about you either" Medusa sneered. As it turned out, her death would end their gorgon curse, Poseidon roughly penetrated her, ripping past her hymen, Athena screamed as she was brutally raped, her tears rolled down her face as Poseidon had his way with her. She laid limp on the floor once Poseidon finished, "now, my beautiful ladies, I believe these two belong to you" Percy said cheerfully as Poseidon and Athena were thrown at the gorgon sister's feets.

"You, Dionysus become the lovely guinea pig for Aphrodite and Artemis. Oh that reminds me" Percy said as he grabbed hera by her hair and followed his connection to Apollo "undo the curse and I'll spare you Athena's fate, expect it will be done by all of us" Percy threatened. Hera's eyes widen, she quickly did the counter curse, she wouldn't be able to handle being raped by that many people, "good" Percy smirked, he forced her to drink the potion before sending her to the lotus eaters, along with a not for Chloris. "Mom! " Apollo said excitedly as he hugged him mom close, "my sweet little sunshine" Leto cried, holding her son close.

⚠️End of Rape and Torture⚠️


Zeus was dead, Percy's wrongful death avenged, everyone agree to stay at the castle, Thalia took over as the new goddess of lightning and the skies, Pallas regained his rightful title as The war Titan. Hecate and Calypso were reunited, they were expecting their first child in may, Leto stayed at the manor spending lost time with her children and grandchildren, Sally eventually remarried Phil and he received his memories, shortly after, Estelle was born. After the victory, Hera's cabin was destroyed, Zeus's cabin only remained because Thalia loved the cabin but now a days it's reffered to as cabin lightning. Once all of the current children grew up and leave, Athena's, and Dionysus's will be torn down allowing more room for all of the other gods and goddesses, as for Percy, well Apollo and Grover would soon be making Davika an older sister. Sometimes it's good to be the Son of Chaos


Until the next story pups

• Mischief Managed•

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