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fixes the hermes cabin

"I don't want to hide that we're in a relationship" Grover whispered as they made their way up to the tree, " then we don't, I am not going to hide my love for you" Percy responded, determined as they saw the first of the guards, making their way to the top of the hill. The pair held hands as they were met by some of the camp's guards and Chiron "Mr. Brunner?" Percy asked, acting confused at seeing his latin teacher at the camp "Percy, follow me please" Chiron said, turning around and making his way to the big house. "Can you tell me what happened?" Chiron asked, once they were inside the big house, he took note of the pair holding hands and wondered when they had gotten together "I brought Grover to my apartment with me so he could meet my mom and I could introduce her to my boyfriend, she surprised me by taking us to the Cabin on montauk beach, we were asleep when me and grover heard a deafening roar, my mom woke up and we all got into the car, they explained everything to me as we drove here, me and grover made it past the big tree, when I noticed my mother wasn't behind me. I tried to pull her but some barrier refused to allow her entrance, then the minotaur grabbed her, she turned into dust, I was so angry that I ended up killing the minotaur" Percy explained, handing his head in what he hoped passed off as guilt and grief.

"I am sorry you had to go through that percy, I don't see any injuries but just in case, I want you to stay in the Infirmary over night, Grover if you'll -" "Grover stays with me" Percy said adamently, pulling grover closer to him "Alright, now the both of you to the Infirmary, it's been a rough day" Chiron said sympathetic.


"I'll give you a tour" Grover said happily, pulling his dominant by his arm "Alright love" Percy returned enjoying the scowl that appeared on Mr. D's face, it seemed he didn't like them being together, "what's the plan for Annabeth?" Grover whispered as they walked past the Dinning pavilion "I'm going to destroy her, Nari has gotten Hecate on our side, She has made a potion that'll slowly cause her to change, she'll have nightmares every night, and the act she puts on around everyone will crumble, showing her true nature to everyone, she'll also voice her thoughts about the various cabin children. I'm sure she'll be ostracized by the time we come back from the quest" Percy explained with a feral grin, he was going to draw out her torture, Annabeth was a vary vain and Narcissistic person, this would hurt her more then any torture he inflicted on her. "Mr. D?" Grover asked as they passed the stables "I'm thinking of offering him up as a nice gift to Artemis and Aphrodite, of course he'd be stripped of his powers and be nothing more than an immortal man" Percy said, his grin widening.

" This is the hermes cabin" Grover said, causing a small smile to show on Percy's face, out of all the Gods and Goddesses, Hestia and Hermes had always been his favorite, they didn't treat him with indifference or like he was beneath them, they treated him kindly, like family. "Claimed or undetermined?" Luke asked as the pair stepped onto the porch "Undetermined" Percy said, ignoring the mental images that flashed through his mind as he saw Luke once again, percy hid his sneer as he saw the cabin, he had forgotten how dirty it was, this couldn't be allowed. Percy smirked as he allowed his purple mist to cover the floors and walls, ignoring the baffled and shocked looks from the cabin's residents, he focused on changing the inside of the cabin, altering the area until it was nearly three times as bigger on the inside then it was on the outside.

Pulling back his magic he put a finger to his lips, "shh" he said before leading a flushed grover to his room, the cabin's residents looked at each other before moving to look at the changes done, the living room was bigger, more room for everyone one, there was a hall wall with a couple of signs Claimed to the left and undetermined to the right, the claimed children each had their own room while the undetermined shared a room with one other, none of them knew it yet but the ones that shared a room had the same godly parent or that most of the undetermined weren't claimed, simply because there was no cabin for them, percy was determined to fix that.


Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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