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-------No One's Pov------

There's no such thing as a Happy Ending, is it?

Or that's what he reads about. The things that have "Happy Ending".

'How unfortunate.'

He thoughts, bewildered thoughts, drowning thoughts, sinking in so deep, that it measures his fucked up mess.

"I don't want to marry her."

He says, not a hesitation on his voice, not even his breath shaken, looking at his Father, having tea in the Garden. His hands are slightly clenched from the feeling of marrying this woman.

Let's start, from the beginning, so, he and the woman had an adventure. It was fun, for her, so genuine and accepting the love, how it collided. However, he didn't take it seriously. He tried to accept her love, her passion, her desires.

He tried.

And yet, he still couldn't love her.

He only saw her as his "Little Sister."

Back to the garden, with his Father, hearing the news with a sigh. His father's eyes looked at him, of how he removed the remove from his tattooed finger. His son, the appearance, has tattooed arms, knuckles, chest, and back, as well as the back of his hand. He has this fluffy hat, more like a cap style, with a design of black dots around it. Pretty black hair, baggy eyes, more like a bit sleepy type of eyes he has, also has insomnia. Two golden earrings each side, with his eyes totally the color of silver. Wearing neat clothes, with his fluffy hat. And while his father, is taller than him, has yellow messy hair, has his hoodie, and some funny make-up.

He wears more decent than his own son.

"Dad, this is fucking ridiculous, I can't marry her. And this is the ring, I.. I will just apologize, I don't want her."

His voice is always sharp as it seems, his Father sighed, drinking his tea. Yes, this was his son.

Being confronted by his own father named, "Don Quixote Rosinante", as well as to be called "Corazon" himself. His son, named "Trafalgar D. Water Law" adopted.

"So, marrying Monet is troublesome for you now?"

"Look.." Law sighed.

"I cherish her, but I don't see her the way she looks at me. I can't marry someone that I don't even have an urge to desire, nor to love. It's pretty pathetic." He says, while his arms crossed, Corazon stared at him for a moment. His son has a point as well. Corazon stood up, taking the ring. He hummed softly, with a lighter chuckle.

"Fine, if that's what you wish."

He stood up, he didn't even hesitate to give him a look that made Law look at his own Father, Corazon sighed once again, he knew his son very well, sometimes a stubborn one. Yet, he also can't deny what Law said. His own son has a point. He also can't force him to marry someone, that would be wrong as a Father.

"Planning to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, this is a bit troublesome, since my friends invited me into a party, a fuck off party."

Yes, for Law, nothing is interesting. Mostly, he hates socializing, a lot, but he also cherishes his friends, a lot as well. It's the only thing that mostly comforts him. He stood up from his seat, walking past his Dad.

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