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-------No One's Pov------

And after changing, Luffy wearing Law's shirt, Law was waiting in the living room, with his head slightly looking over his shoulder looking at Luffy, who has a towel on his head and wearing his very big shirt. Until it reached Luffy's thighs, Law's throat went dry after his eyes lingered around those thighs.

Luffy was drying his hair with a towel, Law was about to say something until Luffy's words made him don't want to say anything.

"I.. wanna cut off the alliance, between us. I don't like Torao at all."

He says, Law remained quiet and ended up sighing. Turning around and approaching Luffy, heavy footsteps can be heard, as Luffy didn't look up to him, rather, he stared down the floor with his lips shut tight. Law stops in front of him, looking down like he looks down on a pet dog or something. He didn't even hesitate to say these words.

"Of course, you should've said that earlier." Law shrugged those words, Luffy nodded and gave him an annoying huff. Law almost broke a laughter, a mocking one, to him, it feels like talking to a little kitten. "You do know you're wearing another man's clothes." That should get Luffy, or so, Law thought.

"So? Were both men and most of all, it's just too big, what size are you?" Luffy walked past him and grabbed the paper from the table that Law signed, Law didn't answer and watched Luffy who was folding the papers. "Is that your final decision??" Law asked, 'This guy is totally fucked up.' Law thought. "Final decision?" Luffy gives him a confused expression as Law sighs, 'Dumber as it is.' Law leans against the table.

Grabbing a cigarette and a lighter as he began to smoke, a smoke coming out of his lips and stares at Luffy.

"The alliance. Are you sure you want to break it off?"

Law continues to smoke, seeing Luffy's eyes looking directly at him with a blank expression and straightforwardness on his face, "Yes." as a response, as Law continued to smoke and blow it out directly to Luffy's face, as Luffy coughed, "What was that for!?! Is Torao crazy!?!" still coughing, "Maybe." with another smoke that made Luffy sneeze that fuck out of it. "Hey!! Stop it!!" As Luffy coughs, he glares up to Law who is looking down at him, as Law rolls his eyes without a care. To him, he seemed rather pleased, so pleased with those eyes Luffy is giving him.

"You don't act like your age." Law almost laughed about that, "What the hell did you say? You're saying I'm just a kid!?" Luffy roared after that, "Yes, you are." Law simply says, "I'm 19!! I'm old enough!!" Luffy whines, 'Well.. he doesn't seem like one. He ages pretty well, but not his brain.' Law thought, "And you're a kid." Law says, Luffy was about to speak yet Law blew another smoke making Luffy cough.

"You..!! I'm totally gonna cut the alliance!! You old man!!" Luffy irked and made Law irk a little bit, calling him that, "What did you say?" Law slightly growls underneath his breath, "Old man!!" Luffy repeated mockingly, laughing, Law blew another smoke, makes Luffy cough, "Why does it always in my face!?" coughing, Law hummed, as Luffy nonchalantly asks. "How old are you anyway?" Now, Luffy is asking him that, as Law hummed.

"I'm 30."

Luffy's eyes slightly widened, "30..?? You're that old and you don't even..." Luffy's words faded when he saw Law's smirk, and leaned a bit closer, "What's the matter? Aren't you gonna mock me of being an old man? Or are you thinking I don't look like one? Never expected I'm that handsome in your eyes, Mugiwara-ya. Do you regret calling me that?" Law made Luffy stiff, "I.. Don't care!! I'm also old now! I'm not a kid!! You just call me that because of your.. older?.." Luffy didn't say anything after. Law dropped the cigarette, on the old cigarette tray, as Law hum as he chuckled.

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