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-------No One's Pov------

Right now, Zoro just got lost for eternity looking for Luffy, yet got dragged by Sanji.

"Damn, just don't move your ass for a second, you're getting lost you dumbass mosshead." Sanji shrugged and dragged Zoro with him, "Shut the fuck up you curly eyebrows, I know my ways and my path." Zoro groans annoyingly, "Anyway we need to get this ticket to Luffy, Brook's concert will be in 2 days, I guess." Zoro added, and he followed Sanji from behind.

After getting into the elevator and going to the top floor of the building where Luffy's office is. They went ahead to the front door and were going to open it.

Until Law opened it himself.

He fixed his necktie after that. And breathed. Heavily enough that a rush of clouded thoughts just swirls in his mind. The heavy, hot breath.

"Law?.." Sanji blinks in astonishment, seeing Law out of nowhere also fixing his necktie properly, as Law looks down on them and adjusts his hat, his grayish cold eyes look at them thoroughly, and that doesn't make Sanji nor Zoro flinch, "I never expected you to be here..", Sanji spoke up with his arms crossed.

"Well, Mugiwara-ya and I had a meeting so I ended up here, The alliance can be an alliance that you guys need to get used to when we always meet for a meeting, mostly the documents and the files we are handling." Law formally said, yet, Sanji smells something fishy around here, however, Sanji shook it off. He wasn't that curious about Law at all, he didn't even care.

Law's eyes meet Zoro, he doesn't know why, but he just guess Zoro is always on Luffy's side, that pierce deadly cold eyes Zoro eyes on him. It was a sharp, cold, unreadable expression. That it feels like he was reading him from head to toe.

It was cold and deadly enough to approach such a person.

"We're planning to go to a concert." Sanji speaks up, with an endearing smile, "Add your friends up, we can reserve some tickets for them, Brook can handle it." Sanji chuckled, as Zoro crossed his arms. And let Sanji speak, "Think about it, I'm sure Luffy would also agree." Sanji says, Law shook his head.

"Do whatever you guys want. I'm tired of shitty parties." Law groan, "Rude." Zoro says with a shrug, "Get used to it. He's always like that." Sanji says as they watch Law walk out of his office, walking away.

They entered Luffy's office, "Luffy!" Zoro called with a smile as well as Sanji who prepared some bento for Luffy. Luffy seems to be quiet and out of thoughts. Yet he smells food, "FOOD!!! THANKS! SANJI!!! NISHISHISHI!!~" his signature grin returns and takes all the food that Sanji gave, "Oh! Zoro!! You're here!" Luffy smiles.

Zoro smiled in return and gave him a ticket, "From Brook, he also paid a special seat for us." he chuckled and sat on the other side, the watch Luffy eat and Sanji noticed something, "You seem messed up? Did something wrong with your hair? Feels like it's fucked up." Sanji says, Luffy was biting the meat and Luffy touched his messy hair.

"Is it??" With confusion, "Yeah, it is. Did you have a hair fight with Law?" Sanji burst out of laughter, Luffy irked, "If we even have a hair fight, I'll win!" Luffy grumpily eats his meat. Zoro chuckled.

And touched his messy hair. Of course, it feels like a vivid dream at first.

Yet, it wasn't just a mere dream of what 'he' did.

It was more like something that pains that brings pleasure.

He could never forget those golden eyes of his staring through his eyes, his soul for eternity, it was endearing, but that was so much more. That made him submit himself, made him out of place.

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