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-------No One's Pov------

"Why didn't you told me you have a hidden lover!?"

"What?" In the phone call, "I DIDN'T SAID ANY KIND OF SHIT!! SINCE WHEN DID I EVEN PLAN OF HAVING A LOVER!?" on the other hand, Law got pissed after his Dad brought that out of nowhere.

In spain, Corazon facepalm, "Don't you dare fucking lie to me! I heard there's someone on your phone! Wallpaper!!" but with mixed sparkling excitement in Corazon's eyes with his joyful tears, "Oh! Law! Don't you know I waited for a million years! I am so.. proud! My son!!!" Corazon said spinning around.

"I said I don't have any kind of relationship! What kind of shit who began to spread fucking rumors!!"

Corazon sigh, 'He won't admit it? This little shit.' Corazon has a better idea.

"Remember the ring? The marriage?? That you cancelled??" Asking nonchalantly, which made Law hum on the other side, "Yeah??" Law says. "Why don't you give the ring.. No, pass the ring. Well, you're 30 and you're not married to the fact our family needs to connect ties with another to grow a bigger family. But I don't like it when you arrange marriage for someone you don't like. It was Monet at first, at least you have an idea who to love or marry?" Corazon said.

It seems Law is thinking on the other side, "No, it'll be soon for me to marry--.. I mean, I won't marry. Nevertheless if it's someone I cherish and love. " Law said, Corazon sighed and was about to agree, however, Law brought up something interesting, something amusing.

"However, there's a person who can fit the picture in the family."

Corazon's eyes slightly widened, "What? You really found someone?", asking with such curiosity, "Not exactly found. I have a plan in mind. But not yet, that person is from an interesting family, fortunately, you know them. And other than that, if you want a family, tell Uncle this. Prepare the contract." Law says. "Wait, wait, Law? Why? What the hell is your...--", Corazon got cut off. By Law's last sentence before Law could end the call.

"It'll be an unexpected twist in the ending."

The phone got cut off.

'What is he talking about??'

Corazon rushed his fingers through his hair and sighed. He heard someone enter, "You talk to that stubborn son of yours?" it was Doflamingo, chuckling with his fascinating grin. "Law told me that you need to make a contract." Corazon said.

"What contract?" That even confused Doflamingo himself as they heard some message in Corazon's phone, his email.

Doflamingo approaches Corazon, Corazon and Doflamingo stare at Corazon's phone, a file. They opened it, since they wanted a bond nor a family, it was a "Marriage Contract." However. They need to wait for months nor a "Year".

It was more likely a surprise for that person to be arranged behind the person's back.

More likely, a mere surprise. Corazon ended up gripping his hair and Doflamingo facepalm.

"That kid's head is insane! Who is he even gonna marry after a year!? Just what is his goddamn plan!!"

• | • | •

Meanwhile, in Japan.

Afternoon, Luffy's eating ramen Naruto noodles. Luffy enjoyed the noodles with Sanji. "So, how's the alliance?" Sanji asks, "More likely that he's a bully but... he's good at the same time! He's confused sometimes, he's a crackhead." Luffy said nonchalantly, it was no surprise to Sanji. As he patted his head.

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