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-------No One's Pov------

And at home.

"Welcome home."

Sabo greeted him with a smile, Luffy ended up throwing the card in the trash.

Then approach Sabo, "How's work?" he asked politely. Luffy has a soft pout, "That guy, Torao! Is mean!! A big jerk!!!" Luffy shouted out loud out of anger, making Sabo laugh. "We'll handle him in our care next time, dinner is prepared." Sabo says, "What's for dinner???" Luffy asked, and began to drool and he approached the dining room, drooling like a waterfall.

"It is a Sea King meat, made of Sea King's."  Sabo says with a genuine smile, "Where's Ace??" Luffy asked, and began to grab his plate, Sabo was about to answer yet, the door clicked open in the front. "I'm home!" It was Ace. "Well, perfect timing." Sabo says with a smile and shouts back, "Ace! How's the game!?" Asking Ace, he just heard Ace laugh.

"We won! Of course!!"

With a bright smile, Ace took off his hat and hung it around out of nowhere, seeing Luffy that he embraced Luffy from behind. "Ace!!!! I was gonna eat!! What is the matter with you!?!?" Luffy irked, and Ace outrage, "At least say "Welcome Home" to your big brother moron!!" giving Luffy a soft smack in the head. "Sabo!!! Ace is so mean!!!" Luffy whines and Sabo just laughs. "Now, now." Sabo prepared some plates.

"Let's eat."

"Yeah, yeah." Ace shrug, placing his chin on top of Luffy's head. "How's the alliance?" Ace asked Luffy, "It was good but it's also the worst. He's the worst." Luffy sighed, letting another heavy sigh, "Why? Did he bother you? Do you want us to step in???" Ace got a bit pissed hearing someone is messing with his little brother.

"Ace, don't be mad." Luffy can tell, that Ace is sometimes shorter tempered than Sabo, Ace only let out a soft breath. To calm himself and decide to sit with Luffy, "If something happens, tell us, we'll take care of it very cleanly." he has that grin across his face looking at Sabo who has a pleasant smile.

"Yes, Luffy. We are your big brothers after all."

After dinner.

Before Luffy went to his room, he approached the trash full of papers, and began to search for the card, until he found it, taking it out of the trash and staring at it, he still remembered the meeting. And also, thinking about the documents.

Luffy stared at it for a few moments. Something popped out his head.

• | • | •

And while Law, after talking to his Father, Corazon on the phone, the phone call hung up finally, Law sighed. 'Tomprrow.. will he come? He might not, he hates me after all.' Law chuckled.

And on the next day.

Law was still asleep, he doesn't want to go outside, 'The fuck.. who keeps ringing the doorbell??' Law rushed his hand through his hair as he lazily yawned. He kept hearing the doorbell, as he was only wearing some pajama pants, he was shirtless, so every inch of his tattoos was shown, his chest, arms and back, fingers and the back of his hand, every tattoo as he got off to bed. Rubbing his face with his two palms helplessly.

He got out of bed and wore a black robe. He stepped out of his majestic room and went downstairs. It was from the gate, 'This guy.. can't he wait? And who the fuck is ringing the doorbell in the middle of the fucking morning??' Law got simply annoyed by it and he walked past the living room, the lobby and went directly to the front door, walking out of the house.

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