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-------No One's Pov------

The rock began, as Law was just watching, but he's getting annoyed and annoyed, why? Well, Luffy's moving so badly, kicking, and punching his head, screaming all over again. He's ready to give up. Totally gonna give up.

After some time, Law dropped him off and Luffy's butt fell on the ground. "Ow!!! That hurts!! I can't see!!!" Luffy irked, "Then, stop fucking moving all the time you dimwit!" Law grabs his arms once again and is gonna carry him.

Yet, Luffy stopped him when he saw a tall tower, near the concert, just near. Luffy grinned.  Then, his eyes look at the roof of the tower, he grins wider. Sparkly.

"I think I have a better plan."

Law got confused but he got dragged, "Wait!" his arm is getting dragged, and he keeps bumping to the crowds, "Slow your goddamn ass you little shit!" Law cursed yet Luffy couldn't hear because of the loud music Brook was singing, too many crowds, until they passed all of them.

Law even hit his face accidentally because one of the signs of the fans was rising, and the signs even said, "FUCK 'EM!!!!!" lol. It was funny as it sounds when Law just hit his face on that sign, 'For fuck sake! This brat!!' he was being dragged by it.

At the end, he got dragged into the old tower, near Brook's concert.

"Hey!!! We can't be here! You moron!!" Law yelled at him, "Yes! I can!! There's no danger sign anyway!!" Luffy nonchalantly and cheerfully said, and went inside, "YOU MORON!!" Law followed, if anything happens to Luffy, as he looked up seeing Luffy already climbing the stairs way up, as he followed.

But minutes, after minutes, Law feels like gonna die, climbing the stairs, looking at Luffy jumping around, 'Just how many fucking energy this guy have!?' Law growled and began to climb once more, when he entered, it was more like an old attic, but Luffy wasn't there.

He saw the window open and saw Luffy climbing the roof. Yes, Luffy could see the big city, Brook's "Rock 'N Roll" concert, and the people. "WOOOHOOOO!!!" Luffy says cheerfully, "Get your ass down here!!!" Law shouted, "No!! Why are you so killing the mood, Torao!? This is fun!!" Luffy laughs entirely, totally doing what he wants. Luffy also sees the full moon, it was beautiful and the stars above the sky.

"If you don't get your ass down here!! I'll call your goddamn brothers!!"

That irked Luffy, as his foot accidentally slid on the roof, "Mugiwara-ya!" Law panicked, he doesn't know why, but when he looked over the window, Luffy wasn't there, he didn't see anyone falling, and he saw Luffy just jump inside on the other window, laughing hilariously. But got smack in the head by Law.

"Ow!! What was that for!?" Luffy whines, rubbing his head, "You brat! Don't you know how dangerous it is for you to climb such a thing!!?" Law felt like he roared all his voice out, "You're concerned?" Luffy asked, with a funny looking grin, "I'm fine!! Nishishishi!!~" he received another smack, "I AM NOT CONCERNED NOR WORRIED YOU IDIOT!!" Law irked. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO HIT ME WHEN YOU SAY IT YOU MORON! TORAO!!" Yelling shouting once again.

Yet, another music starts from Brook, "Bink's Saké". Luffy's ultimate favorite, as he stops yelling and goes to the window, to watch the concert. He could totally see everything, which was pretty fun, as Law sighed and just grabbed old clothes hanging around and placed them on the dusty floor and sat down.

He took out his phone, 'Fuck.. low battery.' Law irked, 'Must be my unlucky day staying with this shit. If I just leave, he's totally gonna do something ridiculous.' Law thought and heavily sigh, watching Luffy all over.

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