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-------No One's Pov------

And the further it goes, the more dangerous it may seem.

~ • ~

Well, fucking him at may seem as moans can be heard, in the entire office, on the way Luffy held against his desk being fucked inside his ass hole, his hardened cock thet dripping wet as well as that large cock inside him, crushing through his walls.

Law breathed in excitement, "Ah.. fuck.." he groaned out of pleasure, the tightness and the walls clenching around his cock, he wants to fill him him and fuck him raw so bad. The mixture of sweat and the position, where Law can see his sexy back, another pound and another thrust made his cock throb for more, quenching against him, "You're so tight.. guess my cock is too big for your little pussy." Law growled.

"Ah!.. ah!!.." Luffy feels like he's screaming entirely, to the fact his moans are non-stopping. His jaw clenched so bad.

All he heard was a bunch of sobs, and tearful moans that it feels like Luffy was about to shatter.

"B..Break me.. L-Law.."

Law grinned, "A pleasure."

~ • ~

Law woke up, he heard his phone ringing, then he looked down and saw Luffy sleeping on his lap, with the way Luffy leaning against him sleeping peacefully.

'He fell asleep.. fuck that dream..' Law touched his forehead. He shook his head, and right now, his cock can be seen in the fabric of his pants, it was hard and erect after imagining such thoughts that he couldn't erase. It was intoxicating. He breathed heavily, he was going out of control.

"Mugiwara-ya, wake up."

The way his voice sounds so husky, 'Not yet..' with the way he licks his lips out of hunger. He shook his head and not yet. "Mugiwara-ya.." Just a single touch made his skin shiver in excitement, Luffy's breath, touch, and the way he's leaning against him. When Law began to move, Luffy began to wake up. He felt something somewhat massive and hard underneath him.

"What's that...?" Yawning and about to look down but Law has stopped him by holding both of his shoulders, Luffy flinched and was about to ask what was wrong however, seeing Law's jaw clenching, fierce golden eyes under that flashing light grayish eyes of his, sweat, reddened cheeks like he was hungry, like a hungry wolf.

"H-Hey!!.." Luffy got surprised when Law immediately embraced him as the way Law buried his face in Luffy's chest and gave Luffy a look of hunger that Luffy never saw before in him.

Something was wrong, something was different.

"I'll call Chopper! If you ever got any....f.. fever.." Luffy's words faded alongside, when he felt some rub against his crotch, hard, massive, pretty long as it rubbed against it making Luffy moan lightly from such a tight grip. 'Ah.. That moan..' Law can't help it.

He wants more.

"Law!.. Just let go! I said! Law..!! Listen!!" Luffy ended up breaking free and almost tripped on the ground but he managed to balance and stood up in a sweat. "I.. I'll go find Chopper if you are sick.. you don't look so good." Luffy got concerned and was about to touch his forehead but Law hissed and slapped his hands away.

"Don't touch me. You can leave, the meeting's over."

He lightly growled, Luffy went stiff. Luffy took his Straw Hat on Law's desk. Every movement of his was watched by Law himself. 'Fuck, I'm going crazy...' He stood up and approached Luffy. "Shall I call a car for you to ride? Or Penguin??" Law asked, Luffy blinks out of confusion. From Luffy's point of view, he seems mad, now he's acting kind and a genuine person.

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