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-------No One's Pov------

On that day, Law heard from Brook and Franky that Luffy has returned. Then got a text from Penguin that he indeed has returned. He's at his office right now, been staring at his wallpaper.

While drinking his whiskey, receiving a message that already made him form a slight grin. And there's a box on his table, a small gift in Luffy's return.

He called Penguin and Penguin answered, "Yes?" on the phone call, Law took a sip of his whiskey. "Call Mugiwara-ya, I plan to have a meeting with him with the new files and documents." He says, "But.. he just arrived a few days ago, don't you think he needs some rest after the entire meeting he went in?" Penguin genuinely said, "My orders or not? Now fucking move it. I'm running out of patience." Law shrugs out of annoyance when Penguin just asks about Luffy.

'I'm the one asking for him, not him.' Law thought in annoyance and cut the call before his friend could even say something on the phone. Like his cock throb hard just mentioning Luffy's name upon his lips.

As he waited for now.

• | • | •

Meanwhile, in Luffy's situation, he's at home, probably resting and in Ace's room.

Ace was playing games making Luffy watch how amazing he is, "Ace! That's so cool!!" his eyes sparkled a lot. Ace smiled proudly, "Of course, I'm your one and only big--.." words were cut off hearing a doorbell from downstairs, must be the gate. The doorbell stops at any moment.

They heard footsteps, it was Sabo who opened the door with a kind smile. "Luffy, you have a visitor." Sabo said, Ace got annoyed now, "Hah? He's enjoying here, right here. He doesn't need to get out of the room." Ace got annoyed, veins popping out of his jaw. Seemingly irritated by that. Sabo chuckle, "Yosh! A visitor!" Luffy nonchalantly said and went out to the room.

After he went out, Sabo looked at Ace, "What?" leaning against the door frame. "Who is calling him? Who's the visitor?" Ace asked, "One of Law's friends." Sabo left the room and closed the door. Ace shrug it off since it's Law, probably a meeting.

Downstairs, Luffy saw Penguin, having tea that Sabo gave. "Penguin? Why?" A bit surprised that out of nowhere Penguin arrived, he sure he has a reason as he went down. Went directly to the living room and sat on the sofa. Penguin noticed Sabo prepared Luffy some tray of cookies. Luffy began to eat.

Penguin fakely cough, "Law.. Law's been calling you. He said he needs to have a meeting with you about the new files or documents? He just called me earlier." Penguin clearly stated why he visited. It made Luffy stare at him, Sabo side-glances at Penguin silently.

"Why does he want it now? Luffy's been resting." He asked a bit cold, with an endearing smile, "No, wait, Sabo. Files and documents?.. about?" Luffy asked, "He just said so." Penguin answered. Luffy thinks for a moment, "I'll probably be going." Luffy stands up and brings him the tray of cookies. "Wait, you are? You need some more rest, you can just sign the files here at home." Sabo said trying to stop Luffy.

"I'm good! Nishishi!! Thanks for caring Sabo!!" He said sparkly like a mere sunshine, Penguin sweatdropping when he saw Sabo turned into a mere stone with his happiness of tears. 'Just how Luffy didn't notice how crazy his brothers can be?' Penguin facepalm. "Never been in his place of work before!! Where does Torao work?? Is it far??" Luffy asked, Penguin nodded.

"You don't need to drive him, I'll drive him. You ride with me." Penguin said and Luffy agrees.

"You're not gonna change outfit?"

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