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-------No One's Pov------

Footsteps can be heard in the stairs, so Law decided to stop for now, he stood up making Luffy's butt drop on the floor, "Hey.. that was mean.." Luffy whines softly with a pout, yet he can also hear footsteps. The sound of a creak, the sound of the footsteps, Law guessed it's two people.

Law put his hat, as well as Luffy, he helped Luffy stand up by taking Luffy's hand. The way Law stares at Luffy's hand, held by his, 'This feels like the first time we met.' he deeply thought, his thumb brush on Luffy's elegant, pretty fingers. It's soft, just the thought of how delicate it was.

"Let's go."

He finally let go of his hand.

Turning around to leave. Luffy stares at his hand, then he touches his lips where Law kisses him, he pouts and just follows his lead.

They both went down, Law stopped, when he saw Shachi, even Shachi was surprised. "Law?.. you--.." Shachi's words were cut off seeing Luffy beside him in the stairs. "Shachi??? And.." That's when Luffy met Sabo. Sabo smiled. "I was worried. So I kindly followed and guessed you were here." Sabo says, Luffy gives him a signature grin and a chuckle, how adorable Luffy was.

"Come here, Ace is also looking for you."

Sabo and Luffy went on, yet, Sabo stopped, he looked over his shoulder. "Law, I called you. Yet, you didn't answer. Any reason?" With his smile. Law seems unsure with that smile of his, it wasn't warmth nor kindness. 'Maybe he would've thought of something else..' Law thought as he took his phone out.

He gave it to Sabo, Sabo took it and tried to turn it on, it was low battery. 'It's dead.' Sabo thought, a pleasant smile and gave it back to Law.

Shachi was confused a bit, yet he understands, seeing Sabo, 'I never expected Luffy to have such protective brothers.' Shachi speaks up to break the awkwardness, "W-Well!! Ahem!! You see! My bro here!! Law! Is, well, he hates noisy things and annoying things.. like, Luffy could do, I think Law really helped us find Luffy." Shachi says proudly, proudly enough.

Luffy stiffened, hates noisy and annoying, Luffy pouted once more, Law caught Luffy's grumpy face, who turns away from him. Law got utterly confused, he didn't do anything, nor say anything. 'Why is he angry now?' Blinking twice out of confusion, hearing Sabo's laughter.

"Luffy can be hard to handle, you know?" Sabo chuckled, "Shall we all go? We already found them both." Sabo says to Shachi with a smile, Shachi smiles.

And agreed, they went downstairs, Shachi was beside Luffy and Sabo was walking beside Law.

Shachi and Luffy seem to be hitting it off with some crazy stories, meanwhile, them, seems awfully quiet.

"Earlier, Mugiwara-ya went to the roof so I followed him and stopped him, your little brother can be really hard to handle mostly when he is stubborn as heck." Law shrugged, it made Sabo laugh, "Thank you for taking care of Luffy and letting him stay away from dangerous things. Luffy is strong. You know?" Sabo smiled, 'Strong?? This small ass guy? Strong? How can he be strong when he looks like that? Small.. delicate and soft.' Law didn't seem to get Sabo's words.

It was hard to believe that a person, who is Luffy, is strong.

"Really? He is??" Law raised one of his eyebrows seems to get curious about it, Sabo smiled. "Yes, he is. If you compare yourself to him.." Sabo gave him his signature smirk.

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