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-------No One's Pov------

While Luffy, having a bath, in the tub, legs crossed, splashing the water with his one leg, staring at his phone. Humming, his phone playing on his fingers, then he began to play with bubbles popping them up one by one and splashed a wave of water.

"Law sounds desperate lately.. and still annoying, I hate him."

• | • | •

3 days have passed by, Ace did say Luffy will come back yet Luffy has not returned.

Which made Law itch to go to Europe with his private plane, Law just threw his phone on the table, 'Fucking son of a.. wondering what he's doing right there? Kissing someone's ass?.. Hah, I'm sure they'll fucking reject Mugiwara-ya, he's an idiot.,' Law mockingly. And leave his phone, he'll just buy a new one if he needs to.

Not arriving yet, not even a call or a text. Law seems to be getting too impatient in just three days. As he stopped and went to the living room and took his phone.

He seems relieved that the picture was still there.

Well, it seems the picture is important other than his phone. He hummed for a bit and stared at Luffy's legs in the picture.

Guessing he'll be bored some then.

As he went out.

The next day, since it was so peaceful, he was at his pond, near the pond, just sitting on his terrace with a coffee and a canvas in front of him with some few acrylic paints. Since Luffy's not arriving, he's done a bunch of things, playing games, drinking, just signing over and over all documents.

At least he wants to try this and wanna go back to where he always was, He stared at the canvas in front of him clear white, and stared at the pond. 'Shall I paint that..?' He thought and shook his head. He was too lazy as fuck and no motivation to do it.

'Fuck.. I need some motivation to paint.. gonna play games? Drink again? And shit, I don't wanna call them and just relax..' Law sighed and didn't know what to think, he was already holding the brush, he sighed and just stared at his phone.

Then, something popped out on his mind.

He suddenly opened his gallery, he did save Luffy's picture, having a bath, seeing his clear naked legs that surfed out of the water, clean legs, as he hummed. He grabbed the blue paint and the other acrylic prepared. And place his phone in front of him. As well as his wallpaper change on his phone.

'Guess I have my motivation now.'

As he began to paint.

• | • | •

Meanwhile, in Europe, in the king size bed where Luffy was sleeping in his robe, he heard a knock.

Luffy doesn't wanna wake up and bury his face under the pillow.

"Get your ass up."

Hearing that voice as he slowly opened his eyes, seeing  Crocodile. Luffy pouted, "No! Just tell the others I want a meeting later! Please!" he even pleaded as for Crocodile he hummed and approached him. Sitting at the edge of the bed. "I said get your ass up." And as he continues to smoke, "I'll prepare you food after. Be a good boy now." Crocodile deeply said on a shrug.

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