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-------No One's Pov------

Luffy went stiff, through such weird and desirable actions. And Law's gaze, through Law's gaze, he could see how Luffy quickly breathed, seeing his red face, flushed pink ears, no matter if he could see Luffy's eyes with such shame and displeasure and hatred, there was a hint of obedience and submissiveness.

'No matter how stubborn you are, I just notice one entire thing...'

Law focuses on those eyes of his, round, well.. adorable, innocence of his eyes, he doesn't know why but he wants to rip off that innocence in him. Lavishly and undyingly, his breath began to be heavy, a rush of excitement, and the thrilling sounds of his heart. Luffy may be the worst of all to taste, they just met, the first time in that street.

And here he is now, beneath him, weak against him, he was thrilled, his messy hair, his every features, his scar, his legs, waist and more, god he wanted to grip that messy hair of his and lock himself upon those lips. He was worried that his big boy down there might've not experienced it anymore, and just for once, feels like his cock throbbing with thrill and excitement.

Luffy's satisfying reaction, guess he wants Luffy to drip all over his cock. He wants to hear his moans, needy pleasure and beg for more. 'You don't know how dangerous your situation can be, Mugiwara-ya. Do I really want to see you wet for my cock and fuck you against it? that table.. that counter, my bed.. hah, totally that will disgust the fuck out of me. Yet, I want to see him beg. So that confident face of his will shatter. This arrogant idiot.' Law lavishly thought, the thought of Luffy begging on his knees.

Just now, it throb his cock just thinking about, that legs could spread for him. Widely and openly for him.

"Torao! We have to go!"

That snapped him, he was close to Luffy, very close enough, his voice echoed on his head. As he stood up straight and looked at the time, "Yes, we have to go." Law fakely coughs.


Law stopped, "I know this is weird for Torao.. well, you.." looking over his shoulder, Luffy seems to be stuttering or thinking what amount of words he has to say. Turning around and approaching him again step by step, he stopped and stood in front of Luffy. "Yes?" With such a warmth in Law's voice, to bring him in.

To lure him in. No matter the coldness brings upon him and hatred by Luffy's unnecessarywords he speaks of.

"I.. forgot--.."

He cut off those words, "Tell me."

He won't let Luffy get away with it. "I told you I forgot--.." he cut him off once again the second time. "Then remember it." Words spelled out of it, Law was growing impatient little by little.

"You.. You're weird, this is weird, Law, this is.."

"I know this is weird, you know what's weird?.." Getting closer and closer but Luffy isn't stepping back, his eyes meeting Law's, "What are you.." Law isn't even bothered if what was Luffy's saying right now, each step, he began to step close but it stopped when he was close enough.

"I know those eyes.. and I can tell.."

The way he gets closer, "You're cunning.. mischievous, gets what he wants.. spoiled brat.. and undyingly.. waiting.. to be.." as he gets closer, leaning down to get that lips of his, "Devour---.." words were cut off by a huge slapped across his face. Even his jaw clenched and hissed.

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