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-------No One's Pov------

As he heard the voice, "Oiii!!! Law!!!!" one of his friends, Penguin, with Shachi. "Where's Ikkaku-ya? And Bepo??" He asked out of curiosity, he continued to smoke, as he looked down at the two of his friends.

"At the party.. pretty drunk." Penguin and Shachi laughed so hilariously, kept thinking about Ikkaku getting drunk, "Bepo is with her." Shachi smiled at Law, Law sighed, "Let's go back." however, he got a missed call, from his Father. 'I wonder why? Must be something important.' Law deeply thought and looked at Shachi and Penguin, "When we go back there, I'm planning to leave. I have a missed call from Dad, seems to be something important that I need to take care of." Law stated, Shachi and Penguin nodded from understanding, as they all walked together, side by side.

"You seemed out of space earlier." Shachi says, with his hand at the back of his head, "Hm, not exactly. I don't know if it's a kid that I bumped into earlier or he just has a very young face." Law answered genuinely, as he blew a smoke, Penguin thought about it, "A boy?" Penguin raised one of his eyebrows, as well as Shachi.

"Yeah, he does seem more childish, a lot more childish than I thought when I bumped into him. Also very reckless." Law didn't seem to find anything interesting today, "Oh? What does he look like?" Shachi asked, "Hm.. He's.. pretty small." Law can't even lie about how small that guy was. "Small??" Shachi tilts his head, "Yes. Small." Law claimed, "So, it's a kid???" Penguin asked another question, "I don't know, maybe not, or maybe it's just his height. Anyway, who cares about him? Let's just stop talking and go back." Law ended up shrugging and leaving them both.

Penguin and Shachi sigh, this guy totally has no soul in him. "He has such a black fucked up heart.." Shachi groans, "More like, he's missing a heart instead." they both sigh.

As the party ended, Law left first, so, Ikkaku, Shachi, Bepo and Penguin were driving in one van, they were all inside the van. "Law is Law. Ahahahaha!! Nothing has ever changed." Penguin says, "You do get a point, he's always been dead in the eye. At least we need to make it spark the shit out of it." Ikkaku agreed with Penguin on the other hand, while Shachi and Bepo were sipping their cola drink with a straw.

"I mean he fucked a lot before, soooo... It's not even gonna work if we blind date the guy."

They all look at Shachi with a poker face, "Of course not, you moron." Ikkaku smack Shachi's head, "Well, our friend is our friend." Penguin brightly smiles, "And besides!! Law cherishes us!!!" Bepo says, with his eyes sparkling, they all smiled.

"Guess, we can't handle his stubborn head." Shachi chuckled, they all nodded.

"Law is Law, after all."



Law is in the living room, sitting on the sofa comfortably with his legs crossed, his fluffy hat placed on the table, he has two types of hat, the other one is pretty old with a furr surrounding it. Law stared at his Dad, Corazon sits on the other side and pour some whiskey on his whiskey glass with a round ice in it.

"Well, I heard, we are planning an alliance, of another business." Corazon says sparkly, "Isn't it wonderful!!?! Kinda boring.. but still!!" he says, wonderfully, and meanwhile Law, has the same blank, expressionless, cold face. "Dad, it's just an alliance." He shrugged, "I've been with a lot of alliances before. This is just about the country, the business and the money." Law took a sip of his whiskey.

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