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-------No One's Pov------

"Wanna go to the bar with us tonight??" Shachi asked Law, "No." as an answer. Of course, Shachi already expected this. "It's just one time?? I promise you will have your own world. Just one sip of a drink." With Shachi's lips turning to a grin, his smug face says it all that he won't give up until he convinces him, Law could see through him.

He sighed and agreed at the end, Penguin and Shachi smiled, meanwhile, Ikkaku and Bepo were choosing what to wear.

He didn't receive any mail, mostly coming from Luffy. About the alliance.

• | • | •

As it was 10 Pm of the night, they were at the bar, Penguin and Shachi totally drinking, Ikkaku was with them, and Bepo were surrounded by girls. Law was there, quiet, holding a glass of whiskey, on the long couch while his legs were crossed. Taking a sip. As he was called by a bunch of girls but he decided to ignore and wanted some alone time.

And one girl who tried to flirt with him, sitting beside him, at first he kinda got annoyed but on second thought maybe he needs a little bit of something that could turn him on at the same time. So the stripper grin, he could even see many women looking at him, so he went with her to make out that night.

In the most expensive and private area of the bar that has a private room, the stripper can't help but feel the excitement to the man that is so rich enough to be with her, she plans to see hers at this part. She grinned, the thought of having a rich, handsome man in her eyes, that caught her instantly, as Law looked at her, he never had a problem making out with women so far.

As he was about to make out, kisses and stuff, there's a problem. 'The fuck..' A big problem. He wasn't getting turned on, he wasn't getting excited. 'Why can't I stand up!?' He thought, he knew this girl is pretty enough yet he can't even do a shit right now. Even how many times she seduced him, her eyes widened when he shoved her away.

"Leave, you're disappointing me." He growled, he wasn't in the mood after experiencing such worse moments, "W-What? P-Please!.." She even begged, she doesn't wanna lose such a handsome man that has bigger money in his pockets, however, he called the guards to take her away. He began to button his shirt up. 'Fuck.. What's the matter with me today?' He groans annoyingly and leaves the room

He saw others having a lot of fun and right now it bores the shit out of him. Law was about to leave and Ikkaku held him up, "Yo, something wrong? Thought you're gonna fuck up." she tease, as she stop for a moment when Law is not even satisfied in a bit. This was different, Law always has this addicting aura to every woman that they even want to crawl for him.

And right now it feels like he isn't satisfied, at all. So she asked, "What's the problem?" asking that question, Law can't even answer that since he was so unsure, or someone just messing up his thoughts.

"Nothing." He says, Ikkaku burst out of laughter, "Oh.. I don't believe you, when there is nothing, there is something, Law. Come on, burst out the bubble." she laughed softly enough.

"I said there is nothing, end of discussion." He left, Ikkaku crossed her arms, she rolled her eyes, Penguin approached her, "What's going on???" he asked out of confusion mixed with curiosity that can be seen on his face. "Law's grumpy again, I mean, he's having trouble fucking someone, you know what I mean?" She shrugged, "Maybe he's just distracted about something else." Penguin said with a genuine smile.

"How can he be distracted?" She questioned, and he answered. "Well.. he does seem distracted about the alliance he has right now." Ikkaku went silent after Penguin said that, "Excuse me?" like she didn't hear about what he said.

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