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-------No One's Pov------

It was something else indeed.

It was evening, Law was drinking wine alone, at the balcony, he could feel the wind blowing softly,  with his hat hanging, and with his robe on. Sitting on a comfy round small sofa, he let out a sigh and began to play his earrings on the left side of his ear. Law didn't seem to think about anything, yet.

It was quiet and peaceful, then, his phone buzzed as it rang, must be a message, no, an email. Law took his phone from the table and took a sip of his wine. It was coming from Luffy which made him stop, he slowly began to move the glass in circles, he checked the email he sent, if it was just the documentation of the alliance, he saw how Luffy wrote and his signature is not that very pretty.

Law didn't do much to care for it and remain silent. He was thinking about the café just earlier, 'Guess he could also be pissed so easily. How childish.' and finally, he turned off his phone and placed it on his table. He hums and is still staring at the open email that Luffy sent.

'The meeting tomorrow.. hope it'll be intriguing.'

• | • | •

And meanwhile, Luffy in his room, Luffy knew Law would read the message, "He's a moron.." he muttered but his eyes longing in that golden one he saw. Like his thoughts were shattered, why did he smirk? Why did he hide those eyes? Luffy didn't think so well.

It made him breathless just thinking about it, it feels like those eyes have been staring at him for so long.

Yet, why can he be so..


Luffy muttered.

Luffy turned off his phone, "No, he's.. not a nice guy, I know it.." like he whines like a small child, being hidden and being wrapped inside those muttering voices, hearing voices.

"I don't like him."

• | • | •

The next day.

At the meeting, Luffy decides what he wants to do and signs other documents, and draws a skull, pirate skull to the side of his signature, "Nishishishishi!!!~" he always has his signature drawing, even though most people felt like it was stupid but it is Luffy after all.

"The meeting is done?"

In the middle of the hallway, behind Luffy, Luffy turned his head slightly to meet at Law's gaze. Those eyes were grey. But when it was gold, it was different, it felt like capturing him, in a cold cage.

Feels like he was trapped.

And now, Law, has been staring at Luffy, those eyes, he greeted. "Good morning, Mugiwara-ya." Law didn't even try to be kinder, moreover, his demeanor and aura became much colder. Luffy felt it. That voice filled with ice toned, but it doesn't mean that he is pushing him out. 'What is he so quiet about? Is it about yesterday?' Law thought, and a flash of Luffy's hatred against him, made him almost let out a chuckle.

"Are you gonna laugh at me again??"

Law knew he would ask, "No, why would I? It was your fault for embarrassing yourself." Law says, that pissed off face Luffy has.

"Torao.. I hate you. I don't like you at all. Your coldness and arrogance are irritating me!"

"Hey! Hey!" It was Shachi's voice with Penguin, yet, they didn't say a word after when Law raise one of his hand, a sign to stay quiet. On the other hand was on Law's pocket. "But Law! He is.. dis..res..pecting.." Penguin's voice faded and faded until he has nothing to say, "You.." yet he still continued the word.

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