My Life Would Suck Without You - 1

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The usual buzz of chatter filled the air in the canteen, I was sat at the table myself and my friends had occupied for the last couple of years at our highschool. There were five of us in my group of friends and we weren't conversing collectively as  a whole. My friend Faye was talking to her boyfriend Dan, I didn't know what they were talking about but judging by the lovestruck look on Fayes face I could guess it was probably something soppy; Dans twin brother Justin was pulling faces with two straws up his nose, I looked across the room to see who his audience was and noticed two girls in the year below us giggling appreciatively. Some girls just love a good dork! Faye always gets the typical question: "oh my god have you ever kissed the wrong twin?!". Well, Justin now has black hair with blue streaks while Dan has kept their natural light brown so I'd be pretty worried about her sight if she did confuse them, as well as the fact she's been going out with him for two years so yeah she should know which one is him by now.

I was talking to my friend Ricky, well actually he's my best friend and has been since I was a little kid. Him and his family live about two houses away from me and his mum and mine are like the worlds greatest friends. We've grown up together and even have the embarassing pictures to prove it - you know the whole sharing a bath as toddlers and photos of us cuddled up when we'd slept over at the others house. Our mums always insist on embarassing us with these photos at every opportunity. But yeah, Ricky and I were talking about a concert that was coming up the following week. Well rather Ricky was listening while I moaned away about the concert being sold out, it was The Heavies - one of my favourite bands! 

"HEY ERIK!" Justin shouted. I looked up to see Erik Prince walking towards our table.

"Do you have the notes for this mornings History class?" Justin asked. Erik nodded and reached into his bag to pull out the notes.

Justin had missed the class because he'd gone to the nurses office complaining of a headache. Yeah right, more like a case of "I spent the whole night on my xbox like a nerd so I could do with an extra hours sleep". It's obvious the school nurse has a soft spot for Justin because when I went to see her with a REAL headache I was given a paracetamol and sent on my way.

"Here you go" Erik said handing the notes to Dan. He said bye to us all before fixing his eyes on me and blushing like mad. He then hurried away to rejoin his friends at a different table.

"Um, what was that all about?" Faye asked me, laughing a little

I avoided eye contact and just shrugged

"Emily?" Faye said, her voice rising a little. I knew she would nag me until I finally told her. And yeah as you have probably guessed I'm Emily.

"It's no big deal, Erik just asked me out earlier" I said. I took a sip of my mineral water and hoped the conversation about Erik was over.

No such luck.

"And you said?" Faye probed. She was starting to bounce slightly in her chair. One of the reasons I hadn't told her was because she gets over excited about things like this.

"I said no"

Faye let out an overdramatic sigh and did a stupid facepalm thing on her head.

"What the hell Emily? Are you a nun or something?" she shrieked.

A few people at other tables looked at her with their eyebrows raised, she's such a drama queen at times.

"No I'm not, I just don't have anything in common with Erik so I don't see the point in going on a date only to tell him at the end what I already know, we have nothing in common" I replied.

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