My Life Would Suck Without You - 3

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Chapter 3

When I went to school on Monday Faye practically rugby tackled me the second she saw me; she'd tried ringing a few times on the Sunday but I'd been out with my mum and Lance, she'd taken us out for something to eat before he drove back to college. She always hates it when he goes back to college and I know she's dreading when I move away too. I'm dreading it too cos I don't want her to be alone. If you're wondering where our dad is, that jackass left three years ago to be with his trampy now fiancee. He tries to get me to stay with him but I've told him I'd rather jump off a bridge.

But yeah, back to my psychotic friend who had nearly knocked me flying with her rugby tackle.

"Soooo how was it? she squealed, linking arms with me and making me sit down next to her on one of the benches in front of school. Justin, Ricky and Dan followed us and sat down at the bench too.

"It was quite good" I replied honestly

Faye squealed and did a happy clap. You know the kind I mean, all girls do them at some point.

"So I was watching my She's All That DVD on Saturday night" Faye gushed, "And I got to thinking, you could be the Freddy Prinze character and Eugene could be Rachel Leigh Cook and we could give Eugene a makeover and then you could fall in love, get married and make little Eugene and Emilys"

This girl is freakin' insane!

"I hate to put an end to my life movie you obviously have playing in your head but just no. Never. Going. To. Happen" I said, shaking my head

"Spoilsport" Faye pouted

I turned my attention to Justin

"And you" I said, pointing accusingly, "Just because the date wasn't a disaster, doesn't mean I'm not still going to find a way to cause you pain"

"You have to catch me first Emily" he grinned, before getting up and heading inside the school

After having to describe the date in great detail to Faye and then having to put down the ideas she had that Eugenes cousin Paul was actually 'the one' for me, we headed for our first class.

When I got there I was a bit suspicious about the fact that every head turned to look at me. My suscpicion died when I noticed Melanie sat with a bunch of girls huddled round her. No doubt I was right about her spreading the word about my date. Luke was sat next to Melanie but I was quite happy to see he wasn't adding anything to Melanies story. At least Melanies skanky jerkface-ness hasn't rubbed off on him.

"If I hadn't said hi I think she was about to let Eugene kiss her" I heard Melanie 'whisper'

I shook my head and sat down in my seat.

You know that feeling you get when you just know someone is staring at you? Well it felt like someone was staring a hole into my face or something. I glanced up to see Erik Prince giving me the mother of all evil side eyes. Jeez, if looks could kill.

I didn't have time to wonder why Erik was trying to murder me with his eyes because Mrs Kerr had entered the room. She's one of those teachers you just do not mess with because she will either embarass you in front of the whole class or ruin your grade in her class forever.

She was talking about some book she wanted us to read when a piece of paper landed on my desk. I opened it and saw it was from Erik.

[[[ What the hell Emily? You reject me when I ask you out yet you go out with Eugene Jenkins? .... Erik ]]]

I put the note on top of my writing pad so Mrs Kerr would think I was just making a note of the book she was telling us about

[[[ Yes I went out with Eugene but it's not what you think. I had to go out with him.... ]]]

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