My Life Would Suck Without You - 7

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"And you can take your sorry and shove it up your-" I sang along to my favourite The Heavies song while dancing round the room. I was distracted by a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I said, not bothering to stop dancing. I assumed it must be my mum.

"Peekaboo" Rhea said, poking her head round the door

"Oh hey Rhea" I said sitting down on my bed, "Come in"

"I've come to help you with your hair and make up for tonight" she said grinning happily

I had already put on my new vest top with a pain of skinny jeans and had just planned on refreshing the make up I already had on.

"Whats wrong with this?" I asked, swishing my hand to show her I meant my whole ensemble

"The outfits fine, in fact it's really nice" she replied, "But your hair and make up needs a little work"

"Rhea it's fine" I said rolling my eyes

Straight away she started working her famous puppy dog eyes and pout.

"Pleaseeeee Emily?" she said, batting her eyelashes

This is the same puppy dog eyes and eyelash batting she's been doing since she was little and she realised it helped her get exactly what she wanted.

"Fine" I caved in, "But if I don't like it I can wash it off ok?"

Rhea nodded in agreement and ran out of my room. She grabbed the stash of make up and hair stuff she had sneakily left in the hallway while she worked her puppy dog magic. Obviously she had known it would work.

She made me wash my hair with this crazy purple shampoo that she assured me would make my hair look a lighter blonde than it already was. After that she did her hocus pocus on it; I could tell she'd made it curly but I wasn't sure how it looked overall because she had purposely covered the mirror on my dressing table with a towel.

"Now I'm going to do a smokey eye effect" she told me as she rooted in her make up bag

She showed me a eyeshadow palette that had silver, grey and black eyeshadows on it and told me it would be a mixture of the three.

"You're so pretty Emily" Rhea said as she applied eyeshadow on my eyelids, "Lets hope when you and Ricky have kids they inherit your genes or their Aunty Rheas of course, I'm not too shabby"

I burst out laughing and she screamed at me for making her go a bit wrong the eyeshadow

"That will never happen" I replied, while trying to keep still so that Mrs Make-Up Monster wouldn't bite my head off

"You don't fancy my brother even the slightest?" she asked

I'd never really given it that much thought. I mean I had gone through a stage when we were 12 where I wrote 'Emily + Ricky 4eva' in lovehearts allover the inside of my school planner book but that was a long time ago and I'd grown out of my silly crush. I mean at 12 you have crushes on about 20 different boys!

"He's my best friend" I shrugged

I didn't really want to have this conversation with her. I'm the older one! She should be coming to me about her relationships and asking advice, not asking me to reveal stuff.

"You... are... clueless" she said, saying each word as she applied mascara

She stepped back and studied me

"Rhea you are a genius" she congratulated herself.

Pffft that girl's head was getting bigger in front of my very eyes!

She took the towel off my mirror and I finally got to see how I looked. It was different. Not a bad different - just different. In fact a good different. Rhea has a talent when it comes to hair and make up.

"I like it Rhea but don't you think it is a bit too much?" casting a dubious look at the dark eyeshadow

"Emily you are going to a rock gig, not church. You look like a hot rock chick. I mean yeah if you turned up to school like this I'd agree it was too much but it's perfect for tonight"

"Do you think Jake Dean will spot me while he's singing, jump off the stage and declare his undying love for me and ask me to marry him?" I asked

"Definately" grinned Rhea

"Ok I will trust you and keep the make up"

We headed downstairs and my mum was in the living room watching some chat show with Rhonda. They both made a fuss of my hair and make up and my mum was embarassing and made me pose for a gazillion photos.

"Come on Rhea" I whispered while my mum went to grab fresh batteries for the camera

We quickly ran out of my house and headed to Rheas. I'd promised Ricky that seeing as we were going in his car I would walk the long and tedious 10 second walk from my house to his.

"RICKY YOU TURD FACE HURRY UPPPPPPPPPPP" Rhea shouted when we went inside

She'd obviously ditched her love guru make up artist personality and replaced it with her annoying little sister one.

Ricky shouted something equally annoying back at her before running downstairs. He stopped dead when he saw me and started at me with a strange expression.

I bet he thinks I look stupid!

"It's too much dark eyeshadow isn't it?" I sighed, "I did tell Rhea but-"

"There is nothing wrong with your make up!" scowled Rhea before going into the kitchen and leaving us alone

"Do I really look ok?" I asked Ricky

I knew he would tell me if I looked a completely idiotic raccoon eyed dork

"Yeah, you look really.... um... nice" he replied

He was still staring at me funny. I hoped he wasn't just lying about me looking ok.

"Well come on we have a band to see!" I squealed, remembering that in less than an hour I'd be seeing my favourite band.

I did a spazzy hand clap (you all know the kind I mean) before grabbing his hand and pulling him out the front door.

Emily all dressed up:

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