Chapter 43. The Past

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Chapter 43. The Past

"How?" I said, my lips trembling. "How are you even alive mother? I saw you die. In this same place." Mother didn't utter a word. She merely gazed at me with steady green eyes. My eyes. I placed both hands on her shoulder, shaking her. "Answer me mother!" I cried. My throat burned. I wanted to puke.

The first thing she did took me by surprise. Mother pushed me away and ran out of the cell, past the guard, to a place that only she knew. I pushed myself up and ran after her. For a woman who has been inside a cell, she was very fast. When I turned, I saw her disappearing around the corner. The only sensible thing was to get to her before the other guards did. I didn't dare cry her name, though my heart was screaming for me to do so. People would hear us.

I went after her trail, seeing her round another corner. Where was she going? I moved past the surveillance room. My eyes caught sight of her black hair. Again, I scrambled after her, feeling like I was suspended in purgatory. Why was she doing this? Mother was just closing the pantry door when I slipped my foot on the crack, preventing her from fully shutting it close. "Mother," I whispered, seeing her green eyes from the space. "Please let me in."

She shook her head stubbornly. Mother tried to close the door, pushing it forcefully from the other side. I winced in pain. My foot was wedged there. It hurts. "Stop it mother!" I said, trying to keep my voice down. "It's me. Don't you recognize me?" I prevented the door from closing by putting my weight against it.

Mother didn't listen. She continued pushing, breaking out a sweat. "You leave me no choice," I said, bracing myself. I slammed my shoulder on the door, forcing it open. Surprised by the action, my mother stumbled backward. I ran past the door, shutting it behind me softly. "I didn't mean to," I said, as soon as I turned to face her. "Are you hurt? God mother, I'm so sorry." I inched my way towards her, wanting to touch her somehow to make sure that she was alright.

Mother stood still. She wasn't even paying attention to me. I took another step forward, afraid that she'd run away again if I made sudden motions. I raised my hand. "See?" I said, walking nearer. "I won't hurt you. I'm your daughter after all." Mother locked eyes with me. There was no recognition in her face. "Did you forget about me?" I asked, beginning to feel sadness creeping in. Maybe she did. We have been apart for so long.

I made another step to her. And another. And another after that until I was standing inches away. My hands were trembling on my side. It was surreal to be this close to the person I thought was long dead. She was older than I remembered. Lines that weren't there when I was younger were now etched on her face. But that didn't bother me. What made me sad was her state.

She was dirty. As if she hasn't bathe for days. Mother was wearing an ill-fitting dress. Something that was patched up. I clenched my teeth. My mother was the queen. She didn't deserve to look like this. Her hair was tangled and dirty too, with bits of paper stuck on it. It looked like she hasn't combed it in a while. As I took a look down, I saw that she was barefoot. Her feet were almost black with soot.

My eyes traveled to her face. I tried to stay calm. "Who did this to you mother?" I waited for her answer patiently. A few seconds passed. She raised her finger and beckoned for me to come closer. My heart swelled with love and pity for her. I would make sure that whoever did this would not see the light of day. "Mother," I said, coming closer. "I will avenge you for this-"

It was too late when I saw the pan that she was holding. It crashed to the side of my face before I could defend myself. I crumpled to the ground. Before I closed my eyes, I heard her whisper. "I'm not your mother."

"Can you pwease read me another story Cybele? Pweeeeeese!"

I shut the book I was holding, turning to my companion. Talia looked at me with hopeful eyes. "No can do Talia," I said, tucking the book under my arm. "The maid said that your servants will pick you up soon. We should go back inside the palace and wait for them." Talia blew her cheeks into small balloons. She always did that when we were little, when she couldn't have her way with me. "There, there," I said, patting her small legs. "I'll tell you another story when we see each other again."

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now