Chapter 12. Granted

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Chapter 12. Granted


Life inside the building with Cybele had its ups and downs. The negative aspect of it was she never allowed me to watch TV, use the computer or any other electronic device that would help me communicate outside, or even walk on the forest that lay beyond the fortress that she created.

However, the positive part outweighs the down side. One, I could be with Cybele which was practically a dream come true for me. I knew that she wasn’t my Cybele, the person I grew up with and who loved me back. But at the end of the day, having her even though she was different was better than not at all.

It was also comfortable. She made sure that I slept inside the locked bedroom, but when morning comes, she’d always open it wide so I could cook, clean, or talk to her. That was another part I liked most. There weren’t any maids, servants, or guards in the building and even though I was basically a prisoner, it was a prison that I’d happily live in forever.

If I had one wish, it was that Cybele would talk to me normally without hiding anything or without emitting something that she thought I could use to escape. Why would I escape here anyway when this place was heaven for me? Those were the thoughts that usually plagued my mind early in the morning.

The sound of the door beeping alerted me that Cybele was coming in. “Hi,” I greeted as she walked inside looking as cute as ever. If other people hear me say that, they’d probably think that I was insane for feeling something for my kidnapper. But I don’t care. That was my girl right there. Kidnapper and all.

“I’m going outside to take care of things,” she said with an unreadable expression on her face. “I’m also leaving your bedroom door open so you can do your usual business. There’s food in the fridge. What else?” She gave me a look. “My Nintendo handheld is on top of the kitchen table in case you want something to do.”

She turned around and proceeded to walk out of the room. “Wait Cybele, can you do me a favor?” I asked while standing up and going to her. She didn’t turn around but she stopped walking. “What favor?”

“Can you bring me books to read? Any novel is fine, as long as it has some kick ass storyline and hot characters.”

She was facing forward but I could almost see her smile. Cybele always loved to read books. And I picked up on reading because of her. “I’ll see what I can do,” she said and hurriedly walked away. I wanted to kiss her goodbye but thought better of it. Who knows what she’d do? She’d probably smack me in the face for even attempting.

After she was gone, I went to the kitchen and fed myself a salad. I saw the blue 3ds shining invitingly on the table. Of course I knew what it was. I lived in the palace not a cave. But I haven’t tried playing it before. Since I had nothing to do anyway, I decided to give it a try.

Four hours later, Cybele came to the living room with an amused expression on her face and a black duffel bag on her right hand. “Why are you giggling like a lunatic?” she asked while placing the bag on the coffee table in front of me.

Her voice made me giggle some more. Sometimes her Brit accent would come out and she’d sound like a snobbish Londoner. “Nothing,” I said with a smile. “I’m just happy because I beat the boss in the game. Take that you sucker.” I pumped my fist in the air for emphasis.

With quick strides, she was already plopping beside me on the sofa. “That’s only the first boss,” she said with a smirk while staring at the screen. I raised my eyebrows and gaped at her. “What the hell? Really?! I’ve been playing this game for hours to save Princess Peach and that’s only the first boss?” I tossed the 3ds on the sofa in disgust.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now