Chapter 45. Reason

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Chapter 45. Reason

I opened my eyes for the second time that day. It seems that I have fallen asleep again. After talking to the butler and hearing everybody else's explanation of how we were rescued from Ronaldo's murderous attempts, I have decided to rest. It was more like my body cried for it. Recovery was the only option I had. As I pulled myself up, agonizing pain spread on my stomach, radiating on the surrounding areas.

"Your majesty," Van said, coming to my rescue. She placed a pillow behind me and gave support so I could rest on it. "What are you doing up? You should get more rest."

My eyes traveled the room. The window curtains was parted an inch, informing me that it was twilight. I've slept for hours. "Where's Talia?" I asked, shifting my gaze to Van.

She sat on the bed beside me. "She's arranging some things." Van patted my shoulder. "There, there your highness. Isn't it a bit soon to crave for the princess' body? Gosh! That wound will bleed if you start doing your activities. Can't you wait for a couple of days?"

"Is that what you think about all the time?"

She frowned. "Why mock me your majesty? On breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I usually think about food. And. . . And sometimes I think about science too." I arched my eyebrow. "For example," she said, clapping her hands together. "I appreciate the periodic table. It tells us many things."

"Oh? What?"

"Have you seen Gallium which stands for GA, and Ytrrium which has a Y symbol? Totally gay." I snorted. "Still not convinced?" she said, starting to get on a roll. "I know my way to art and literature too. Even music. Have you heard of Depussy your highness? Totally my favorite pianist."

"I think you meant Debussy?"

"Yeah, same guy. And when it comes to literature, who doesn't know Shakespeare?" she said. "He wrote Juliet x Juliet right? For the two chicks getting it on? My kind of story."

"You got the wrong author."

She waved her hand in dismissal. "Yeah yeah. . . Anyway your majesty, there's also Charles Dickens. He's my favorite gay writer. From his surname alone, we know what's going on right?"

"I'm getting dizzy now Van."

She mocked zipped her lips with her hands. "Ok, I'm Van Gogh-ing to shut up now." The silence only lasted for ten seconds. "I was really lonely. You were asleep for a long time," she accused.

"Where's Brooke? Why didn't you talk to her?"

Van rolled her eyes. "She instructed me to stay by your side. I think that girl is still half in love with you like I am."


"What?" she asked, as if nothing happened. I stared at her, lost. "What do you want for dinner your majesty?"

"Nothing." I attempted to stand up. My whole body still ached, especially my stomach. Why was I only feeling this now? Maybe the shock of waking up earlier made my wound go unnoticed. "I'm not really hungry."

"Talia will get mad at me," she complained, supporting my arms as I got out of the bed. "And where are you going? You're not well yet."

"I'm heading to the bathroom. I want to clean myself." My knees were wobbly as I placed my weight on it. Bloody hell. I was still too weak for comfort. How did I even manage to get out of the bed alone this morning? "Don't worry, I'll tell Talia that it's all my fault that I haven't eaten yet. She'll forgive you."

"Okay your highness." Van guided me to the bathroom by placing my arms over her shoulders so she could carry some of my weight. The girl was strong as a bull. She pulled the bathroom door open.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now