Chapter 24. Royal Flush

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Chapter 24. Royal Flush

Sweat dripped from my forehead, down to my neck. My clothes were soaked. I was pretty sure my heart would break free from my rib cage by the way it was beating at the moment. As I twisted the knob, I was silently wishing that Talia would completely understand that even though there was a naked woman behind me, who presumably didn't want to get dressed, I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Talia." Van's perky voice from the other side.

"Yes?" I could only assume that the princess turned to look at Van. Meanwhile my hand stayed frozen and glued to the knob. From behind me, Brooke was breathing heavily.

"Erm. . . Her majesty. I mean Cybele gave me specific instructions to feed you. So I suggest that you go to the kitchen with me and eat the food I prepared. I may not look like it but I'm a great cook." What was Van planning? I thought as I breathed slowly through my nose.

"Honestly Van," Talia said with a frustrated voice. "Cybele may have trusted you quickly, but I haven't. I don't think I can simply forget the fact that you nearly slit her throat, hit me with a pole, and locked me up like a psycho for how many days. I won't be surprised if you're a molester too."

"Hey that's not fair!" A defensive tone from Van. "I was only doing what I thought was right."

"Your actions were bull. I want to slap you right now just to get back at you."

I pressed my ear towards the door, straining to hear if Talia was making good on her threats. "Go ahead princess," Van replied with a teasing tone. "I never thought Cybele would fall in love with someone so feisty."

A sharp breath from Talia. "Who said that Cybele was in love with me?" Van said something in a low voice that I didn't catch. "Well if she wanted that, she would have done it already," came Talia's disappointed reply.

"I swear princess, Cybele really does. Tell you what. Go to the kitchen with me like the good little royal that you are, and we'll talk about it some more. Maybe I'll give you a few tips here and there to help you. Consider it my apologies for the pole thingy. Deal?"

I was so tempted to turn the knob and ask them what was going on. The image of Brooke behind me was the only thing preventing me from doing so. Pressing my ear harder on the door, I listened to what Talia was going to say. "Okay," she muttered. "But I'm only doing this because you look like a lost puppy." A laugh from Van, then their footsteps faded.

As soon as I knew the coast was clear, the breath I've been holding came out like air from a deflated balloon. I haven't even realized that my knuckles turned white from gripping the knob. Enough about that. It was the perfect chance to get out of here. "We'll talk about this later Brooke," I murmured before opening the door stealthily and running to Talia's and my room as quickly as my weak knees and shaking legs could take me.

About 15 minutes passed before I was able to catch my breath and calm down. Admittedly, Van saved me from all the trouble. She must have known that I snuck inside Brooke's room and figured out how much trouble I'd get myself into when Talia found out. I had to thank blondie later.

Going to the direction of the kitchen, I heard Van and Talia talking in low voices like what they did in the hallway outside Brooke's room. The whispers were barely audible that I had to stop before stepping inside the kitchen to hear what they were talking about. If they were hush hush about it, then it was probably a secret. Irritation surged in my body at the thought. Who did they think they are, keeping something from me?

Chill Cybele, my mind coaxed. It was probably nothing. My ears caught Van's words. Something about barns and hays. Meanwhile, I totally didn't catch Talia's reply, which for the life of me, irritated me even more. Walking inside the kitchen, I exuded nonchalance, as if I wasn't spying on them a wee bit earlier. The two shut up immediately. Something was definitely up.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now