Chapter 25. Mission Failed

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Chapter 25. Mission Failed


“We’re going to play a game,” Van announced all of a sudden. Her voice rang around the kitchen like a dead air. It was awkward. Too awkward. She continued speaking as if we didn’t just ignore her. “The game is called, let’s talk to each other because I’m going to lose my mind if we don’t.” Silence greeted her. It figures.

A sigh from Brooke who was sitting across from me on the table. “Come on guys.” She was addressing me and Cybele. “You’ve been ignoring each other for like what? One week? Van and I can’t take it anymore. What happened anyway? Tell us so we can help.”

I took a quick look at Cybele before staring back at my empty plate. She was frowning. Her green eyes dead to the world. Like she was locked inside her mind. Come on Cybele, look at me. Look at me damn it! As if she heard my telepathic pleas, my Princess Charming’s eyes darted quickly to me, then back at nothing in particular.

“Everything is great,” she spoke in monotone, hiding everything she was feeling in her poker face. “Let’s eat and get it over with.”

“Fine. Be that way,” Van huffed, returning to her cooking.

After eating our meal together in silence, Cybele stood up hastily from the head of the table. “Excuse me. I need to do something,” she said, leaving for the front door without even acknowledging me.

My heart squeezed painfully against my chest, making me close my eyes in agony. After running away from me that night, Cybele treated me like a ghost. She wouldn’t look at me. Wouldn’t talk to me. It was too much. We did sleep in the same room. But she would face the other direction and didn’t even say goodnight. What was her deal? Did she not want me anymore? Was I wrong to think that she was in love with me too?

Someone pulled my arm. As I opened my eyes, Van’s determined face stared back at me. “Come on. We’re going to pound some sense into her majesty’s brain,” she said, jerking me up. I followed Van’s lead outside. Cybele was there, walking towards the direction of the forest, a few meters ahead of us. “Hey!” Van hollered.

Cybele stopped. Turned to us. Her face was unreadable. “Yes?”

Van marched forward, dragging me along with her. When we reached our destination, which was right in front of Cybele, Van pushed me forward. I stumbled, lost my balance. Cybele rushed ahead and grabbed me before I fell flat on my face. Yay! How princess-like of me. Not!

“What are you doing?!” Cybele said in irritation, propping me back on my feet. “You could have hurt her.”

“I’m glad to know that you still care about her your highness. From the way you’ve been ignoring Princess Talia, I thought you lost interest.” Oh God Van, I thought in dismay. You don’t want to go there.

I waited for Cybele’s reaction. Would she tell Van that I was important? That she made a mistake by leaving me with my pride broken at the barn?

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now