Chapter 48. Clash

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Chapter 48.

Esmeralda was stunned by the appearance of our friends, but nothing prepared her for Talia's statement. Her face contorted with fury as my wife's words sank in. She was speechless for seconds before she pointed the sword to her daughter. There was no hesitation in her stance. She would really hurt Talia if she pleased. It angered me to no end. "How dare you talk to your mother like that?" Her voice was venomous as a snake's. "Go back to your room."

Talia's laughter bounced on the throne room. "You still think I'm a child don't you?"

Esmeralda regained her composure. "With that attitude, yes I do." She lowered the sword, letting the sharp tip scrape on the floor. "Princesses shouldn't act this way."

"And how would you know of it?" I asked. "You're not royalty." I got to my feet shakily. "You stole the crown from me. You don't have a right to lecture your daughter about princesses. Especially when you're not a Queen yourself."

She trembled in fury. Her arrogance about the throne was admirable if she wasn't such a crazy person. "You have no right!" she hissed. I gasped as Esmeralda's fingers found my neck. Her feelings of hatred vibrated through me as she squeezed without remorse. Enough was enough. I was prepared to throw her off when Talia shouted.

"Let go of Cybele now!" The Princess pointed a gun to her mother. It was unnoticeable before. She must have had it tucked underneath her shirt. Esmeralda didn't release me from her grip. "Don't make me repeat myself," Talia warned. She placed her other hand on the handle, her finger on the trigger. "I won't hesitate to kill you."

"I taught you better than that Talia."

"You didn't teach me anything at all." Her voice shook. "There's only hatred and pain with you mother." Sweat appeared on her upper lip. "You even pretended that Cybele was dead. I couldn't live with it. I wanted to die for such a long time knowing that she's not in the same world anymore."

Esmeralda's grip loosened. "I did it all for you child." Her expression softened. It was more bothersome than her look of hatred. "You don't understand it because Cybele messed with your head. But if you look at the bigger picture, you'll realize that I'm right." Esmeralda signaled for the guards. All eight of them surrounded the Queen, making a semi-circle so there was an opening in front. She offered a hand. "There's still a way out of this Talia. Join me."

Talia still pointed the gun to her mother. "Join you with what?"

"In ending this. It's time to seal our fate as the rulers of this country."

"What about Cybele?"

"You don't need her. You can marry anyone you wish because you're the Princess," she urged. "If its freedom you want, I will give it to you. Want to live away from the palace? I can give you that." Her voice was promising. "If you need friends to talk to, I will make sure it happens." Esmeralda's gaze flitted to Van. "You shouldn't associate with lowly people like this."

"Stop insulting me God dammit," Vanessa said as she hurried to get up. "I'm a person. A cute one. Why do you have to be so rude?"

"See what I mean?" Esmeralda asked as she concentrated on Talia again. "They don't even respect their Queen."

"I thought we've established that you're not Queen?" Van asked. "You're just a. . ." Her nose wrinkled. "Frustrated heterosexual." Van made an apologetic face at Alex and Lance who were standing side by side near the door. "No offense fam. We're cool right?"

Esmeralda let Van's statement pass. "Come with me Talia. Family is more important than love. You're young. You'll find someone else. A million guys are waiting for you, so long as you let me help."

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now