Chapter 13. Lies

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Chapter 13. Lies


The intruder came in the form of a tall girl with midnight black hair and matching colored eyes. True to the manner of breaking in, she wore figure complementing black jeans and a long-sleeved shirt that didn’t do much of a job in hiding her feminine contour. In short, she was beautiful and sexy. To add insult to injury, Cybele seemed to know the sun-kissed Goddess.

“Brooke,” Cybele said with a frown while pacing back and forth in the living room. “I told you to go back to England. What happened to that?” The girl called Brooke glanced in my direction before turning back to Cybele. Realizing that I was in the same room, Cybele dropped the subject. I had a feeling that they’d talk about me once I was gone.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to her Iris?” Brooke said with a smirk.

Cybele placed a hand on her forehead, seemingly irritated at the whole notion. Shaking her head, she let her hand fall to her side. “Brooke this is Talia, Talia Brooke.” I nodded to the girl and received a similar greeting. Before the two of us could speak, Cybele walked in my direction and touched my arm. “Let’s go back to your room Talia.”

She dragged me back to the main door of the floor, not allowing me to acknowledge Brooke. Once we reached my bedroom, Cybele sat beside me on the bed, her eyebrows scrunching in concentration. “Who is that girl to you?” I asked while touching her forearm. When my skin made contact to hers, she recoiled quickly like she was burned.

“It’s none of your business,” she said with a poker face. I turned my head from her so she wouldn’t see me frown. Of course it was my business. She was my Cybele. But what did the beautiful girl have to do with her? From the looks of it, they go way back. Not as far back as me and Cybele, I thought with satisfaction, but it was close.

Getting up from the bed, Cybele turned to me. “I’m going to talk to Brooke for a while. While I’m gone, find ways to entertain yourself. You can cook dinner for us if you like.” Without waiting for my reply, she vanished outside, leaving the door wide open so I could come and go as I pleased.

“Stupid,” I muttered under my breath and went to the kitchen to prepare something. Twenty minutes later, I stared frustratingly at the black chicken. Black because it was burned to a crisp. It was supposed to be fried but I was feeling down so it reflected in my cooking. Groaning, I started to put the thing in the trash bin.

“What’s that supposed to be?” Cybele asked while walking in the kitchen. She caught me right in the act of getting rid of the evidence. Brooke followed right behind her. The Goddess was already dressed comfortably in short shorts and a tank top. My stomach sank to the ground. Was she Cybele’s girlfriend?

“It’s nothing,” I replied, tossing the dried and ugly chicken in the trash. “You wasted food again,” Cybele said in irritation. She was always annoyed when I screwed up. “Well sorreeey.” I dragged the words to prove my point while rolling my eyes at her. About 30 minutes ago she was happily showing off her body and now she was acting like a complete jerk. I wanted to kick something, though I didn’t understand why I was so angry.

Brooke walked inside the kitchen and took the spatula from my hands. “Since I’m going to be here for a while, let me do the honor of cooking.” Her statement made me look at Cybele in an instant. “She’s staying?” I asked. When Cybele nodded, the lump in my throat became a lemon.

I didn’t know what to make of it so I just sat in one of the stools and silently stared at Brooke’s back while she fried the remaining chicken perfectly. How could I compete with that beauty? “So,” Brooke said while facing me, letting the poultry sit in the frying pan first. “You’re Talia.”

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now