Chapter 10. Talia

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Chapter 10. Talia

“Mommy, are we visiting Cybele in the palace?”

Mommy didn’t answer the question. Instead, she dragged me all the way to the car where a driver was waiting for us. I stared hesitantly at her. She was always strict and had an angry expression on her face, but this time she had a weird smile. Maybe she was happy because she’d see her best friend the queen.

I looked out the window and stayed silent as the car picked up speed. We left our mansion early in the morning to travel for the palace. It was strange though because mommy had the maid pack all my dresses and toys. I wonder if we were moving houses.

But I wasn’t concerned about that all. I was quite happy because going to the palace meant that I’d get to see Cybele again. Everyone thinks she was my best friend, but she wasn’t. She was to be my Princess Charming and I was to be her bride. We would live in the palace someday and have tons of babies like the ones I see in movies.

When we grow up, I want to hold Cybele’s hand and listen to her play the harp. I’d also fall asleep to her fairy tales. She always loved to tell me stories. I simply couldn’t wait.

We arrived in the palace after some time. It must be the afternoon since the sun was nearly gone. Several people were waiting for us there. I haven’t seen these men and women before and they didn’t look friendly. They had grim expressions on their faces. It was like somebody died. It gave me a strange feeling in my tummy. Oh well. . . Seeing Cybele would calm me down. I wonder where she was.

The car stopped in front of the palace and mommy grasped my hand and dragged me out of the car. She talked to the men and women in adult language that I didn’t really understand. But I heard bits and pieces of their conversation. They kept saying something about the forsaken royal family. I didn’t know what that meant. I had to ask Cybele about it.

After talking to the people, a maid took me inside the palace. I glanced around and marveled at the suit of armor that lined the hallway. Cybele and I would always play hide-and-seek behind them. The paintings on the wall were also beautiful. It gave the palace a magical look. But the garden outside was my favorite. Cybele was always curled up beside the tree while reading a book there.

The maid led me to Cybele’s room. She said, “This is going to be your room now princess.” Huh? What did she mean? The maid opened the door and brought me inside. It was very familiar, this room. Cybele and I would often stay here whenever I’d visit.

I glanced at the king sized bed. It still looked the same yet something was weirdly different about it. After much wondering, I figured it out. The big fluffy pillows that Cybele loved were gone. They were replaced by other sets of pillows that I didn’t recognize. I studied the room more closely. The book shelves were empty.

Where did Cybele’s books go? She’d be really mad if she found out that the servants took it. She always loved those books. And I loved them because I loved her. “Where is Cybele?” I asked the maid in a small voice.

The maid’s eyes were rimmed with tears and she quickly turned away from me. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Where is Cybele?”

Instead of answering my questions, the maid excused herself and hurriedly got out of the room. I was left alone to my thoughts and so I just sat quietly on the bed and waited. I didn’t know how long time passed. I wasn’t good at reading the clock yet and besides, the room was bare except for the huge bed, the empty bookshelves, a couch, a desk and its matching chair.

It was strangely lonely here. When Cybele was by my side, I was never sad. But now that she wasn’t here, I felt awful and I wanted to cry. A look outside the windows told me that it was evening. Nobody came looking for me, even mother. I was getting hungry and frustrated. Where was everybody?

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