Chapter 9. Criminal

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Chapter 9. Criminal

"It's unusual for you to take us somewhere like this Iris," mum said. "But where are we going?" I glanced at her from the rearview mirror of the car and saw her playing with her diamond necklace. It was the same one she was wearing that day in the adoption center. It brought back certain memories. Both good and bad.

"It's a secret mum," I said.

Daddy cleared his throat and patted my mum's arm. "There there Samantha," he said in his booming voice. "I'm sure your daughter has a good reason for kidnapping us this evening and taking us somewhere without a chauffeur."

I nearly doubled over with laughter at his statement. Oh I'd kidnap someone alright. But that would be for later. For now, I had to tell my parents that I was to leave for another country. That was why I was going to take them to this fancy place that they loved. I'd butter them up with a nice dinner, and then I'd tell them.

When we reached our destination, I got out of the car gracefully and opened the door for my parents. They were used to this kind of treatment. But this time around, I didn't bring the chauffeur. I wanted the three of us to talk and bond without distractions.

I ushered mum and dad to the restaurant overlooking a lake. The maitre d' helped us to a table and handed out three menus. After we were served with our choice of food, I decided to proceed with my plan.

"So mum," I started. "I just turned 22 last month and I graduated with the degree that you chose for me."

Mum raised her trimmed eyebrow and glanced at me while drinking her expensive wine. After she placed the glass carefully on the table, she said "Yes munchkin. Your father and I know that perfectly well. We're thinking that it's time for you to take over some of the family business."

I almost choked on the steak I was eating and grabbed the glass of wine quickly to push the food down. Once I finished sipping, I stared at my mum with wide eyes. "I don't think being a scientist is for me. Neither is being a philosopher, a professor, or whatever it is that you guys do."

Father laughed hard. He was always amused when I said such things. The mustache that he grew moved up and down together with his trembling body. "You're not planning on being a model forever right munchkin?"

"No daddy, I have a different plan altogether."

Once I graduated from the university, Brooke asked me to model with her. She kind of forced me into it actually. It was one of the payments she wanted for helping me out with whatever I asked of her since we became friends.

Who knew that someday I'd turn out to be a model? It was quite hilarious. But people from different modeling agencies kept on contacting me so I didn't see any reason not to do it. Besides, it helped me get more connections. I learned from Brooke that connections were something a person should have, regardless of the industry you're in.

From the other side of the table, my mum placed the napkin she was holding down. "What do you want to do with your life Iris?" she asked with a worried expression.

I took a deep breath. It was the perfect opportunity to tell them. "I want to go back to my birth country mum," I said while grasping the napkin tightly beneath the table. "I want to find myself."

Mum had a shocked expression on her face and quickly turned to her husband. "Larry," she said with a trembling voice. "Our baby doesn't want us anymore." My parents both turned to me. "You don't?" dad asked with a crestfallen face.

"Don't be silly dad," I said. "I love both of you. I seriously do. You've given me everything I fancy in life, a great education, a large mansion, an expensive car. I couldn't ask for more. But though I'm grateful, I also need to find myself. Will you support me?"

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now