Chapter 16. Demented

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Chapter 16. Demented

"I feel like we've been driving in circles all this time. Are you sure you really know how to get out of this place?" Looking out the window, I saw the same scenery that I've been staring at for the past couple of hours. There was nothing but dirt, grass, and trees. Oh wait, there was another tree. Add that to the count of hundreds and I was basically an expert at tree gazing. IF there was even such a thing.

Van frowned beside me, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. "Muscles was the one driving us before, but I'm pretty sure that this road leads somewhere. We did have to choose between one or two forks early on," she sighed. "But we'll end up far away from where we came from, I'm sure of it. For now just settle down Princess."

My eyes trailed to Van's face. By this time I was quite familiar with her solemn expression. As if she was sad about something but didn't want me to know about it. "How many hours do we need?" I asked. She glanced briefly at me. "If we're lucky it will only take us about an hour, two hours tops to reach a town."

Van looked down quickly on her wristwatch before staring back on the dirt road. "Its 11 pm Talia, go to sleep. I'll wake you if I see something." Nodding to her, I placed my head against the closed window and shut my eyes for what seemed like a few seconds. I drifted off into a very strange dream.

"Cybele, what are you doing here?" We were back in our old room in the palace. Our because it used to be hers and when she disappeared, it supposedly became mine. But in my heart of hearts it would always be ours to share.

She was currently seated next to the fireplace, a book on her hand. Ten year old Cybele glanced to me with a smile on her face, her green eyes glowing warmly because of the burning embers. "Come here Talia," she beckoned with her hand. "I'm going to tell you a story." With a goofy smile on my face, I skipped happily to my Princess Charming.

Plopping down beside her I asked, "What story are you going to tell me?" I was surprised to hear myself speak. My voice sounded funny. Cybele gave me a patronizing look and pushed the book between us so I could also see. Our heads touched as we stared at the pictures with words underneath them. "It's one from the Grimm's Fairy Tales Talia," she whispered. "Hansel and Gretel."

Despite the warmth from the fire and Cybele's own body heat seeping through my skin, I still shivered. "But that's scary. How will I fall asleep?" She dropped the book on our laps and gave me a one-sided hug with her left arm. "Don't worry. I'll be here." Trusting her words, I nodded my consent and listened as she recounted the famous tale of the sibling's who were left in the woods only to be almost eaten by a witch.

When her story-telling was over, I felt someone shaking me awake. I didn't want to leave the dream yet because I'd be torn from Cybele's side again but I had no choice. I willed my mind to stay there for a couple more seconds. "It looks like you're being pulled to the real world," said my ten year old companion.

"I don't want to go."

She smiled to me. It was an infectious expression that also brought one to my own lips. "We'll see each other soon." I grasped her hand tightly, squeezing it softly as I did so. "When?"

She shook her head, making her toffee colored hair sway back and forth. "I don't know. But listen carefully. Like the story of Hansel and Gretel, things are not always what they seem. You have to be brave Talia. For me. Don't be taken in by the candies. Inside that beautiful house lies a witch." She kissed me tenderly on the cheek. "I'm always in your heart. Always been."

"I know my queen," I whispered.

My eyes fluttered open. Van was staring at me strangely. "What are you mumbling in your sleep?"

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now