Chapter 3. Outside

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Chapter 3. Outside

It has been three whole weeks since I kidnapped the princess. I haven't left the hideout during those weeks, and I knew I should go to town to check on things. By now, the people in the palace must be freaking out. A little sleuthing is in order. Nobody would ever guess that I did it. But still... I needed to be sure.

Early that morning, I left Talia without saying anything about my plan and drove to the nearest town. It was a 2-hour drive but I didn't mind it since the scenery was great and it gave me time to think. I was confident that Talia wouldn't be able to escape. The security system in place was too sophisticated. The princess didn't know the art of hacking like I do, so she was stuck in that place. Too bad for her.

 I soon reached the town and parked the car outside a resto. Once I did, I took the phone from my pocket and dialed my adoptive parent's number. Got to call on the folks or they might haul me all the way to England because they miss me too much. Mum answered on the first ring.

"Iris! Where have you been munchkin? Your father and I have been very worried about you. You haven't called for 3 weeks." I could almost imagine my mum shaking her head at me while wagging a well-manicured finger. She was always one for theatrics, that woman. But I did love her with all I've got. Dad too. They gave me everything when I was stripped to nothing.

"Sorry mum," I mumbled. "You know I've always wanted to live in this place. I guess I got too sidetracked to even think of calling. I'll make it up to you and daddy."

"Aww honey," mum said wearily. "Why don't you just come back here in England? You have everything you need right here. You don't have to search for your real parents. Your father and I are more than enough. Once we die, we'll leave everything to you."

I sighed. "Don't say such things mum. You're not going to die anytime soon. And once I finish everything I need to do, I'll come home to you and daddy. Until then, just wait for me." In addition I said, "Please don't make the butler pick me up. I really need to do some stuff here."

"Okay," she said in agreement. "But if you don't call me for weeks like this, I can't promise about the butler. Oh, here's your father. He wants to talk to you."

"Iris," my daddy said in his loud intimidating voice. "Where are you pumpkin? Your mother is worried sick about you. No emails, no calls. What is happening to you? Do you want me to send in the butler?"

Oh blimey! The butler again. "No daddy, please don't send the butler." Heaven knows I have too much to handle right now to think about the annoying butler who always made it her business to snoop on me.

"I hope you're not partying there and getting high on coke," he said with a hint of regret in his voice. "We raised you to be a respectable member of the community and your mother and I will be disappointed if you take drugs."

I rolled my eyes at no one in particular. "Seriously daddy." I said in a scolding tone. "You should relax. I'll never do anything to disgrace you." On a side note, I did kidnap the princess of this country. That would be more than a disgrace. It would be death penalty for me. But I didn't tell him that. My parents didn't have any idea of my crimes.

"It's just that we miss you honey," he said sadly. "The mansion has been very quiet without you around." I felt a pang in my chest. My adoptive parents truly loved me as their own. "I miss you too daddy," I replied. "But I need to find my own way. Tell mum I love her okay? Bye..." I pushed the call end button and tossed my mobile to the passenger seat.

My parents have always been supportive of me. When they adopted me 12 years ago, they gave me everything I could wish for. Imagine having nothing at all and being adopted by two oddball millionaires who didn't have a child of their own.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now