Chapter 6. Betrayed

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Chapter 6. Betrayed

“Where are we going mother?” I asked. The queen looked at me with her green eyes which closely resembled mine and smiled tenderly. “We’re going on a vacation Cybele,” she said. “It’s been a while since the three of us have gone to the vacation house. Your father and I want to spend time with you.”

She ushered me inside the car and I scooted in where my father was waiting with a smile. I got my toffee colored hair from him. The rest of my features were a combination of theirs. It turned out fine I guess since most people always say I looked like a doll or would also be a fitting supermodel when I grow up.

I could only ever laugh at them. Being a model was not for me. I was to be the queen and queens didn’t have time for that. I would be a good ruler though, one that was fair and just to all the people in the country. I’d make sure of that.

“My beautiful princess,” daddy said while giving me a huge hug. “I have a surprise waiting for you. I’ll give it when we arrive at the vacation house.” Mother got inside the car and shut the door close. “You’ll like your father’s surprise,” she said with a gleam in her eyes.

“What is it mother?” I asked. “Are you giving me books? Please tell me I’m going to receive books,” I pleaded.

“You and your books,” she chuckled. “Your father and I will be giving you any books you want, but our surprise this time is different.”

“Can I take a guess?”

“Sure,” they said together. When they did, they stared at each other lovingly and shifted their gaze back to me. Mother and father really loved each other. I wanted that kind of relationship with Talia. Speaking of Talia, she was my guess.

“Is your gift Talia?” I asked with wide eyes. My mother laughed. “You’re a very silly girl. I don’t think Esmeralda will like it if we wrap her daughter and give her to you as a gift.”

I pouted. “Aww. . . In that case I’ll just wait till we get there.”

Ronaldo, our head guard got inside the driver’s seat and started the engine. “Your highness,” he said while looking at the King through the rearview mirror. “Everything is ready. All the other guards will accompany us for this journey. Once I start this car, everyone will follow.”

“Let’s go then,” father said. As promised, Ronaldo drove safely on the road. Three other cars were in front, while four other vehicles followed behind us. Those were the royal guards, ensuring the king and queen, plus the princess would safely arrive at our destination.

Even though our family didn’t have enemies, and we were adored and loved by the people of this country, the guards took their job seriously. Only noble children like Talia could talk to me. But my parents communicate with everyone, even the poor people. Mother always said to be kind to everyone, even the poor. She also wanted to eradicate poverty, but that would take time.

We arrived at the vacation home before nightfall. I was exhausted from the travel but I was also excited to be here. The lovely villa was next to a lake. It has been a long time since we visited. Mother and father were very busy and I was often left alone to my studies.

“You look tired princess. Would you like daddy to carry you?” My dad wriggled his eyebrows which made me giggle. “Can you give me a piggyback ride?” I said.

“Of course,” he said while taking me out of the car and hauling me over his back. “Your father is not only the king, I’m also a very very strong man. That’s why your mother fell in love with me.”

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now