Chapter 49. Tale

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Chapter 49.

Time was irreversible. As things happen, you would not be able to pause, rewind, and correct a thing. I realized that as Vanessa slid to the ground, devoid of expression on her face. There was no laughter. The usual jokes were gone. She was simply there, unmoving. In order to avoid looking at her rigid form, I glanced at Ronaldo, hatred coursing through my veins.

"What have you done?"

He looked proud of his achievement as he loaded the bow with another arrow. "It's your fault Cybele. If you didn't want her to die, you should have left her somewhere else. Somewhere far from you." The laughter he made sealed my deep loathing for him. "You don't get it do you? Everyone close to you either die or get hurt. You're a magnet for bad luck. Wouldn't it be better if you kill yourself?" He aimed the arrow at me.

My knife came flying to thwart his assault. I was running straight at him before he had the chance to reload. My vision turned red. I wanted his blood. His death. Not his surrender. Feet clashed against arms. Movements were made. We were both trained. He as a warrior guard. Me as a Queen. And for all intents and purposes, an assassin.

My vision blurred as he punched me on the side of the head. I crumpled to the floor. Though his breath was ragged, he still managed to gloat as he walked like a predator to me. "Give it up Cybele. You were supposed to die that night. You got lucky then, but your luck ran out today." He laughed. "Aren't you happy that you'll be seeing mommy and daddy soon? Oh, and that blonde girl too."

"Stop it," I whispered, covering my ears. "She's not dead."

He kicked me on the ribs. It felt like something cracked. "She is dead. You'll follow soon. And then that black haired girl." He paused. "Princess Talia too. Queen Esmeralda has no use for someone weak like her. We'll be building a new empire where weakness is not allowed." He produced a knife from his pocket. Despite the little light that the torches offered, it still gleamed, as if warning me of how dangerous the situation was. "Any last words my Queen?"

No words were needed as I kicked him hard on the shin. The action took him by surprise that he stumbled backward to the wall, until he fell down. Pain radiated on my side as I crawled to him. My curled fingers found his throat. "I hate you the most!" Hot salty tears involuntarily poured from my eyes. "You were supposed to protect us. We trusted you." Crying was a weakness. Yet tried as I might, hearing and seeing him opened fresh wounds in my heart, adding to the pain he made when he killed my parents.

He choked and gasped underneath me. It was strangely satisfying to see him like that, dying with my own hands. Just when life was about to leave his eyes, he managed to grab hold of my arm and twisted it before reversing our position. He coughed as he dominated me. "It was your parents fault for trusting me. They never should have done that." He yanked my hair, pulling my head up. Ronaldo then slammed me on the floor. I have never felt so vulnerable and in pain as I fought to maintain consciousness.

Talia's voice rang in my head. "Tell me about the story of the sun and moon." I smiled. She was the image of beauty that day, looking like a fairy in her gown and flower crown. We danced. We talked. Love was in her eyes as we exchanged vows. Her sweet smile would be replaced by tears if I died. I have caused her enough pain throughout the years. We should spend the rest of it happily. Alive.

In spite of the torture and aches, I forced myself to fight. To stop what Ronaldo was doing, elbow his face, and throw him off me. "I didn't know you still have something left in you." He wiped his bleeding mouth. "But I won't make the same mistake twice. I'll only leave once you're really dead."

I pushed myself up and leaned on the wall. It was no use to think about my broken ribs, my pounding head, and the large hole in my heart at the realization that one of my friends have died and my Princess could be hurt at this moment. I shook the bad thoughts away and focused on the enemy. Only one of us would make it out of here. I was determined to be the victor.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now