Chapter 14. Moot Point

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Chapter 14. Moot Point


“Can the two of you please start talking again?”

“No,” Cybele and I said in unison. After glaring at each other, we went back to eating our breakfast. Brooke sighed in dissatisfaction, poking her broccoli with her fork. At least she was allowed to have forks, I thought bitterly. Did Cybele still think that I’d stab her or something? The mere thought made me want to laugh manically at her face.

“This has been going on for a week,” Brooke said, lowering her utensil on the plate. “What is the cause of this? Can’t someone just apologize already? Every time the two of you eat together or pass each other on the hall, you give off that vibe. I’m just waiting for one of you to snarl and turn into a wolf.”

Cybele rolled her eyes at Brooke. “I will never apologize. Why should I?” She pointed her fork at me. “Everything is their fault. She and her mother. If anything, she should apologize to me.”

I slammed my palm on the table, showing my disgust for her words. “Excuse me?” I said in a high-pitched voice. “I never did anything to you. You were the one who kidnapped me and placed me here. You were the one who was force feeding me that porridge. And YOU were the one who kept saying Oh you’re not straight you’re a lesbian. Then all of a sudden you’re acting like I did something that displeased you.”

Brooke raised both of her arms, attempting to stop the fight before it turned brutal. But Cybele and I were on a roll. We haven’t talked in a week and it seemed that the pressure just built up inside the balloon, causing it to pop with a loud boom. So no Brooke, we weren’t going to shut up. Not now anyway.

“That’s because you’re a venomous snake who bit me behind my back,” Cybele said in anger, her face flushing bright red. “And to tell you frankly Talia, you were always lesbian. You have been since you were a baby, and you always will be. So don’t go denying it to other people, especially in front of my face.”

“If I was a snake then what are you? Oh I know, you’re a she-wolf who lures her victims so you could snap their neck when they think they’re safe. That’s what you did to me you she-wolf.”

Standing up from the table, I walked to Brooke’s side and grabbed her arm. “And I’m a lesbian am I? Fine!” I snapped. “I’ll show you how much of a lesbian I am by getting your girlfriend to fall in love with me.” Brooke began to squirm in my grip but I gave her a look that stopped her from moving.

Both of us watched as Cybele stared disbelieving at me. A couple of seconds more, she stood up from her chair and headed to our direction. Grabbing Brooke’s other arm she said, “First of all she’s not my girlfriend. Second, you can’t make her fall for you.”

“Why not Cybele? You think I’m lacking on the charm department?” I tugged on Brooke’s arm causing the girl to wince. “For your information miss kidnapper, people find me beautiful too. Even if you don’t think so, lots of men and women would do anything to even catch a glimpse of this face.”

“You are a class A brat,” Cybele sneered. “It’s obvious where you got that behavior from Talia. You’re just like your mother the queen snake.”

“I’m a snake alright,” I retorted while raising my right eyebrow. “A snake that’s going to give your girlfriend the kiss of death.” Turning to Brooke, I slowly leaned to her face, making the girl freeze in place. Before our lips touched, I heard Cybele snarl, almost wolf-like, and tackled me to the floor.

“You have no right to kiss another girl,” she said on top of me. I flipped us in one swift move. “It’s none of your business who I want to kiss. Why do you care anyway?” Growling in anger, she rolled us a couple of times on the floor. We must have really looked like a pair of maniacs. But who cares? She was angry, I was seething mad, and it needed to stop here and now.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now