Chapter 1. Kidnapped

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Chapter 1. Kidnapped

"Let go of me you mongrel!"

I watched in fascination as the princess struggled against the ropes binding her ankles and wrist. She shook on the floor like a worm, her head twitching in different directions once in a while, no doubt searching for her captor, even whilst it was covered with a black cotton pillowcase.

"Unhand me buffoon and I'll tell my mother the queen to spare your life," she said indignantly.

Oooh! How lovely. As if her mother the queen could help her right now. This one was charming. It almost made me want to let go of her. Ha ha! As if. All that planning to infiltrate the castle and kidnap her would not go to waste. But while she was in my possession, I might as well have a little fun with her.

"I doubt your highness will spare my life if I let you go," I said to her. She stopped squirming in an instant. "You're a girl?" she asked with bathed breath. The corner of my mouth perked up into a smirk. "Last time I checked yes," I told her.

"What do you want from me? Do you want money? Power? Men? I can give you all of that." She tried to sit but it was too much of an effort, considering she was bound like that. I stifled a smile. "I have money," I said. "Lots of it in fact. Power comes with money, so that is not an issue. As for men. Well let's just say that I like women more."

"Then what do you want?" she asked in a small voice. I walked steadily to her and kneeled on the floor. Once I did, I brought her to a sitting position and leaned to her head so I could whisper. "I want your body."

She froze in an instant and squirmed away from me. "You're a lunatic! Jerk! You're an ugly son of a-" I removed the cover on her head and watched her mouth slack open as she blinked in a confused daze at me. I heard her breath hitch as she took a good look at my face. We studied each other for a while.

Her gray eyes took in my features. She licked her thin lips nervously and asked, "What color are your eyes. They are the strangest green."

I smirked at her. "They're called forest green princess." Before she could ask another question, I took her in my arms and hauled her to the bedroom. It was not without difficulty of course. She kept wriggling against me and even threatened to bite me. What a charming princess, I thought in disdain.

Once we were inside the bedroom, which would be her holding room or her cell if you want to call it that, I set her down on the bed where she squirmed some more. I looked her in the eyes. "If you want me to untie you, you'll stop twitching like that. You look like a maggot."

"I am not!" she said heatedly. I clicked my tongue at her. "Sure you're not princess."

She stared daggers at me. "Why did you kidnap me? You're a low life! You're the lowest!" she seethed. I gave her a patronizing look. "And you're a saint princess?" I asked with a smile. "Don't ask questions that you'll regret knowing the answer to."

"Are you going to kill me?" she choked.

"If I wanted to, I would have done it a long time ago. So to answer your question, no I'm not going to kill you. But I am going to hold you here for a long time. Look around you princess. Stare at the four corners of this room because you'll get to memorize it while you're here."

I pointed to the windows. "Those are barred. Even if you cut that lovely honey colored hair of yours to make a Rapunzel-like rope, you'll never escape from here." I tilted my chin to the door where she followed with her gaze. "That is made with metal and is locked with a security code that only I know of."

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now