Chapter 31. Break Free

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Chapter 31. Break Free

"I'm giving you two choices my love," Talia whispered, looking straight in my eyes. "The right for the throne or being happy with me. The same conditions apply. Should you wish for the former, I will kill my mother with my own hands and commit suicide for doing such an abomination. But if you choose me, then I will drop everything right now. Not the guards or the queen will stop me from running away with you."

"Talia I. . ." With a heavy heart, I rolled away from her, sitting on the edge of the bed with my back to the princess. "I don't know what to choose," I murmured. "The throne is my birthright. It was only stolen from me. To give it up would be to shame my lineage and turn my back on my blood. Is there no other choice?"

Talia moved behind me, placing her soft arms around my waist. "Choose one," she murmured, leaning her head on my back. "Cybele I'm tired of this. All this hate. All this talk of death. Every time you vanish or someone takes you away, I become dead inside. If I can only wish for another mother, I would have done so in a heartbeat. But I can't. And this is the life we've been given. So what do you say?"

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, envisioning the former king and queen dead on the floor of the villa, their lifeless eyes gazing at me. What should I do? They deserve their revenge. But on the other hand, would I be able to live my life without the princess whom I have loved since the moment I saw her? If I were to choose the throne, unhappiness would consume my soul because of the price it took to get it.

"I need you Cybele." Talia tightened her grip around me. "And I'm willing to give you anything to make you happy. Even my life."

Removing her firm hold around me, I got out of the bed and kneeled in front of the princess. "Don't you dare say such things again. If you do, I'm going to get really mad and give you to Van. And you know how crazy that girl is."

Talia smiled at the prospect, though it didn't reach her eyes. "Oh I know alright." She took a deep breath. "Have you made a decision?"

I stood up, watching the princess gaze at my nakedness. It didn't bother me one bit. Instead, it made my blood heat up. "Frankly," I murmured, staring down at her. "I would rather have another round of you know what and eat you up. We can do it all night long," I smirked. "But that won't do because we need to get out of here."

Talia's eyes glimmered with hope. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

I smirked at her. "You owe me another night like this princess."

"Oh please," she said, rolling her eyes in a very un-princess like manner. "We'll do it every second of the day if you wish."

"I'll hold you to that Talia. Now hurry and get dressed so we can go to Van and get out of this place. I'm excited to live my life without all this royalty business." The princess nodded, her honey-colored hair falling like curtains on her face.

Ten minutes later, Talia and I were already in the maid quarters, shaking Van awake. "Whaaaa? Brooke is that you?" the blonde said groggily, squinting to see us in the darkness.

"No, it's Cybele," I whispered. "Get up."

It took a couple more seconds before Vanessa went down the bunk bed stairs. Her short hair was a mess. Like she has been tossing and turning in bed. "I was having a good dream about Brooke you know," she grumbled, facing us. She noticed Talia standing beside me and did a double take. "Your highness, why is the princess with you?"

"We had a good talk," Talia said, smiling widely.

"I smell you guys all over each other. Had a fun night?" Van winked naughtily. "Oh wait, wait don't tell me. I'm just going to get sad because I'm single and maybe cry my eyes out in the corner. Pffft! Couples," she mumbled.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now