Chapter 17. Square One

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Chapter 17. Square One



“Wake up Talia. You’re having a bad dream.”

Someone nudged me gently in the shoulder. “I’m awake,” I said with a groan. Turning to my right, pain shot in my stomach, making me wince. It felt like someone punched me, or at least ram me with a pole. With that thought in mind, all the events of last night rushed in my head. I immediately sat up, adrenaline coursing through my veins. At my left, there sat Van calmly in the driver’s seat, looking at me with worry.

She attempted to reach out to my arm. “Stop. Don’t touch me.” Van lowered her hand in an instant, her worried expression replaced with confusion. “Sorry,” she mumbled. “I just thought that I should wake you up, seeing that you’re having a nightmare.”

What’s going on? She was acting normal. Too normal. I took a good look around. We were back in the truck, right outside the cabin. It was still nighttime. My eyes sought Van’s face. She was staring at me like a concerned friend. “What are we doing here?” I asked, a sharp edge in my voice.

“We found a cabin remember? Apparently, no one was home when I tried knocking so we went back to the truck and you fell asleep. You looked so peaceful and I didn’t want to wake you up, but when you started screaming and struggling in your seat, I just had to do something. Sorry. . . Shall we go inside to rest?”

Did I dream all that? I thought with a sense of disbelief. My hands automatically went to my stomach. The pain I felt as I subtly touched the flesh made me wince inwardly. But I retained an even expression in front of Van so she wouldn’t know how much I was panicking at the moment. “Why don’t we continue with our journey? The town must be an hour away. We can go there instead of stopping here.”

She shook her head. “The truck wouldn’t start. It does this sometimes. It would be best if we stay the night. Tomorrow when the sun comes up, I’ll take a look at the engine.”

My stomach sank to the ground. It was either I was feeling a strong sense of déjà vu or it all happened before. Which was which? Praying that it was the former, I grudgingly followed Van inside the cabin. Looking down, I noticed that I was still barefoot. Well if what I thought happened really did occur, then I would still have the boots right? It must have been all a dream. To be in the safe side, I should put my guard up.

“So? Which room do you want to sleep in?” she asked with a smirk, totally oblivious that I was ready to kick her anytime soon if she made a false move.

I chose the one in the middle, just like in the dream I had. She went to the room opposite mine and smiled widely at me before she closed the door. Following her example, I shut the door to my own room for the night and locked it, making sure that no one, especially Van would be able to come in.

Fearing for my life, I didn’t sleep a wink. I was curled up on the bed, looking silently at the door as the minutes passed by. Something was off about the whole thing. But staring around the room, there were no signs of any disturbances. The bed sheet that I thought I ripped out to cover Van’s imaginary wound was still intact. The cabin was neat despite the dust. The only thing different was the pain in my stomach.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now