3. Unforeseen Encounters

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When the chair turns to face her. Her eyes widen seeing the person seated in front of her.

Aradhna - YOU ?!

Aradhna (impulsively) - What are you doing here ? Where is the boss ?!

"Excuse me Miss ! You are talking to the boss."

He stands up from his chair and extends his hand forward for a handshake.

Reyansh - Hi, I am Reyansh Lamba , the Ceo of Nationtrue

Aradhna goes into a zone of mixed emotions. She is confused and angry , but also worried about the status of her current situation. She is embarrassed because she wasn't a social bug and was unaware about Reyansh.

Aradhna (awkwardly) - Ohh...ummm...sorry , you are Mr Lamba... I wasn't aware.

Reyansh - You can leave now. Interview is done.

Aradhna - But sir , we are not done yet. There was a genuine reason behind me reaching late.In fact, the reason is you ! You took the cab I hired ! Had I gotten that cab, I would have reached before you itself. I deserve another chance , sir.

Reyansh - Well Miss Sahni. Whether you will get another chance or no, that's my decision to take. You may please leave now. Period.

Aradhna was about to speak further but Reyansh gets busy with his phone and signals her to leave.

Dejected , Aradhna leaves the cabin, shutting the cabin door behind her with a loud thud. She was furious , hurt and lost. Such a good opportunity to work at a dream company and she lost it , for no fault of hers.

She takes a cab back home , lost in thoughts of all the events that happened through the day.

She enters her home , quietly goes to her room and sits on the bed. This doesn't go unnoticed by Bhakti. She obviously senses what must have happened. She takes out a chocolate from the fridge and heads to Aradhna's room.

Bhakti (sitting by Aradhna's side) - Radhi, why so upset ?! You didn't even greet me when you entered.

Seeing Bhakti , Aradhna who was already so lost and worn out by her situation starts bawling.

Aradhna (crying) - Mumma , I got rejected again. It was my dream to work here . I think I am not destined to be in journalism.

Bhakti - Radhi , please stop crying... crying is not the solution. You need to continue working hard. It's not easy to make a place for yourself in a particular field. It takes some people years to get into the work of their choice. And it's only been 6 months for you. You can't give up so soon.

Aradhna - I understand mumma but I am just so tired now and I had a lot of hopes from this job. I didn't even get to give an interview , answer any questions or explain myself too. The CEO was arrogant. First , he took the same cab I hired for myself , then despite knowing the first situation, he didn't even consider giving me another chance. Just signalled me to leave.

Bhakti - it's okay dear. Some things happen for a reason. Give yourself some rest and think calmly. Keep a positive approach. And take this , you will feel better.

She offers her the chocolate and also gives Aradhna a gentle head massage.

Aradhna - thank you mumma. I guess you are right. I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Maybe I wasn't ready for NationTrue yet. I will work harder and make you and daddy proud.

Post the head message , she dozes off to sleep immediately.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story Thank you for showing your love for the first 2 chapters ♥️

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